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good finding, walterar

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i have meanwhile updated a few models for 31,

unfortunately due to a change to sgm my adder conversion will lose the animation for lod2.

it seems we can have animations IN the lod models now working, therefore externally not longer.

but i guess i don't mind about elite content wil be removed, of course some would like to get ships like the adder back

but you will understand that

first, making models for a model system where i have to beg for something isn't good for me.

second, with removing of the elite content my will to contribute to this new system equals to 0.

i have really no interest to "stump them down" for something that won't support this anyway.


that is ONE more single model of the FFE ships (apart form what i already converted) i will do in SGM, this i'm in duty of.


i have also to take consequences, i'm sure some like them much and will feel sorry for that they won't see them anymore,

except someone else would do this, but i hope, yes i really hope, not.

i can't forbid or demand, so i hope, that at least if you let the LMR

die, remove elite content so you can remove me as well, respect this as sort of a "last will".


but of course i will keep them alive, only not as mod for the main branch of pioneer, that won't work, and like i said i have simply no interest.

but for "Genesia" or what might ever come out of it, i will keep the LMR alive.

not because of sentimentality,

because i can't work with the new,

not because i'm to stupid to,

because it takes my freedom away.


unfortunately i haven't get any conrod (translation to ratation movement, i would really like to see one in collada once) working with collada, though i need the seperate .x meshes for such.




as a first little extra a little change to the scripted x-wing

tourist added the R2 from the XWA model to it.

but i thought, i give it a own R2 model,

additionally the fixed blue or red color is now a random color of 5.




you can get it here as soon as the file is approved

(that might take a day, moderators are humans, no machines)


like i said the adder will be even soon ready, only with a missing landing-gear for lod2.

as a "final" SGM model the "Hullcutter", fits as bad as the rest of my models to Pioneer 😉

that's also a reason, with this "style guard" i didn't think i will get any of my models ever in a pioneer

release again.

either it is "modern" and looks mainstream and fits to the choice of a few or not.

that's anyway no situation SGM or LMR or whatever.

i could also say "boxy" times are ahead...


did i already said that i will use in future the download section of SSC for my Mods?


and most of all did i already said that it's cool now to maintain the files yourself?


thanks, i haven't noticed it until a few days ago




i guess i should, or i was aware that my models no longer fit to pioneer,

i guess that was a reason why i was upraged soetimes, to see them in a bad condition

in each release since a long time, little stiches that have grown to a big hurt.


but it was also obvious that some had no interest in them, vice versa i would say,

else and this is obvious to, they wouldn't have been in such a bad condition.


what is bitter that they was good enough to show my ships in broken condition

until they had the SGM ready.


that hurts to.


might be some have not a loud mouth as me and i'm often wrong, but this

i feel was respectless, to show them only broken

and to "abuse" them as long as they had their own stuff not ready.


i really ask myself why they didn't removed it a year or so ago?

simply because there was no "replacement" ready.


we say them here in switzerland "a nigger", someone you can send away after he has done his duty.

a second class person (they say no, but it's not true, one has just to look at the facts and not the words).

obviously, yes i don't belong to the "elite" we have now in pioneer, certainly not.


of course i have seen this from far and i wonder why i was so upraged, i know this since long.

i know since long that my models are disliked by a few.


unfortunately also they never spoke this truely, they did this in a "sly" way, to keep them until their stuff was ready.

i guess yes at least reasons to be SAD i had enough.


if the decision would have been clear (btw, there was a time when i said "remove all of my ships", this would have been at least fair, but no you needed them then, now you didn't and i can **** off!)

it would have been prob. different.




my Pilots will stay with "Genesia", else those poor Pilots have no air to breathe and that kills them.

but they won't die, so my pilots decided to fight, not to die.

they decided to fight for versatility and freedom,

they decided to fight for self-determination,

it's their highest duty.

it could easy be they are swiss (or U.S., think...).



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i'm green, and i'm proud of it

hi, i'm red, i'm proud of it to,

hi folks i'm yellow...


...hey what about me, i'm grey and made of semiconductors?


"...join us".

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only to remind, i upscaled the lanner for the dudes from

besides of other small differences, both the 100% and 125% sized "Lanner" will be soon available also here on

SSC's download section ("").


yet another SGModel... 😉




i guess i use this one for my adverts...



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see ya...

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 Show us some more! 🙂

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Pioneer Genesia for Alpha 31 






It's a total mod to be used like a 2nd game( just simply extract as a pioneer release , don't put in Mods folder)  Pioneer Genesia


and a link to the list of all ships in Genesia  with min/max crew : Vaisseaux Genesia


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hey, that's a cool table, i can already see some which should be tuned on several ships.


"imperial hunter"? i must have a blackout, which ship is that?


cool to see some of my "lost" ones (e.g. Defender), that was another one of many ideas i had.

unfortunately i never picked it up again.

the idea was to create ships on base of the shape of 80's shoot 'em up games.

the "defender" was first and it's based on the shape of the players ship in "galaxian / galaga", defender i chose because this ship has no name,

i know "defender" is a classic of it's own,but the ship can be hardly used as layout.

the second i started was to "copy" one of the "galaga" itself, it still lurks around on my hd.


i have still a ship from s20dan, which i still have in petto, i guess some of you never have seen it.

it's called "Imperial Explorer", but has a quite different design, something like a enterprise for pioneer.


i used it also as endlevel boss in my seuck game "Eagle".

incl. splitting saucer section.


erm, yeah if you have this tickling in your thumb, well try once one of them...

i feel they are quite good and after a year, i digged the projects out, i have to say "damned hard",

i'm the one who placed the enemies, but do you think that helps me?

actually i didn't manage it to get to end of the 4th level.


and don't ask me what happens if i play "demon attack", the game is to fast i feel now,

but when i made the game it was possible for me to master it, but now i feel they run over me,

a massive attack.


(in advance if one is crazy enough to try one of them, for win7 and later, disconnect the joypad before you start "G.A.C.K", plug it in again

after you started "G.A.C.K", else it lowers the speed extremely and you feel it's like in slowmotion, not funny.

it took me quite a while to find out why the game runs so bad, means "why" isn't to clear to me, but at least i found a way around this issue with win7.

i will have to contact the dev. to tell him this issue once, even if i'm aware that his interest in this project is little.

it was made by him once for a contest, is non-commercial and for sure GL-Basic is his main interest, it's his commercial project.

it's a quite high levelled language especially for game projects, supports 3d objects and all kind of modern methods.

the games made with GL-Basic have a rather professional look.


and besides of all that, they like scripted geometry much! one even said he would like them best)

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yeah, i know, it seems the "hullcutter" is a quite unique ship.

as i sad one of the dudes of "phase II" liked it much.


show us more?


of course it's on it's way, but actually i have a slight problem with the animations.

changes from 30 to 31 are difficult, means actually the animation is "broken".

it's a .dae model, also the animation, since it's a very simple movement,

though for alpha30 i had to seperate the animation from the model to make it work in LOD2 and LOD3.

actually we are told that it should work now in the models for each LOD, but hmm... it fails, it didn't works in the game, it works in the MV but not in the game.


actually it didn't works anymore for both LOD's


due to the pattern the pilotess has get a funny dress, not bad, somehow "modern".






but i hope i can fix the broken animation today, i will be off for a few days, but prob. return on weekend.

edit: (otherwise i make (again) a LMR model of it and that will work for sure, no headakes because one time works one time not, if it's a "lucky day" or not, works in the modelviewer but not in the game (same for the adder).

the cat has it's hair already again ruffled, such makes her nervous and restless.


yes, the LMR needs a lot of patience to learn how that works, but this exceeds my patience sometimes, because it's something i can't control.

i was used to "control" such myself, if something is broken, i could fix it,

now i have to depend or wait, i don't know if something will be solved or not, how it will work if at all,

and most of all the result isn't under my control, such makes me really nervous.

yes true to, i'm a "control freak" myself... but at least i know it).


depends on if i can leave my PC at home,

like last month, i was so busy with all the models, i didn't set one foot outside the door for three weeks (except to get milk, bread, ovomaltine & cornflakes).




and Italian Salami, i could live from...



"it has happened once in italy a sausage factory (salumeria) had a incident with a following explosion,

though one Salami was flying up to heaven in front of the "heavenly door".

Petrus of course was first who stumbled over this thing, but he had no idea what it could be.

he was asking everybody if one had seen something like that before.

all denied except Mary, she said: "yeah, i have seen something like that before, but there was no net around it".




and yes, walterar, they have a little to big breasts, but if i make them smaller you won't see that from distance,

which would mean a genderless pilot had worked as well.

btw, i guess it's still better in proportions as "lara croft".


she was the reason why my sisters dog was named lara,

but "lara" was a rather fearful dog, not a brave one, she feared sometimes even little rocks in the dark.

everything that was new or uncommon to her, she feared of, i had to hug the rocks to show her that there is no danger,

still she didn't trustet "them", and looked always back if they wouldn't follow us.

she was a typical example of a Labrador, extremely true, very kind, a "dreamer".

while not a 100% Labrador, some "Appenzeller" must have mixed in, thus she had a funny way to walk.

but little else of a "Appenzeller" except the smaller size and the walk, none of this steady bark or the typical nervosity of a "Appenzeller".

(they have to, "Appenzeller" are rather small dogs, sized half or less of a Labrador,

but they are "cow-herd" dogs (does that work in english?), have to keep the cows together as small as they are,

obvious they need this "nervosity" to manage this job, typical is the biting in the hind legs to lead the cows in a certain direction

and the penetrating bright voice. as a child i had far more respect of this nervous somehow unpredictable acting animal as of a mastiff.

if a Labrador want's something he touches you with the nose, very softly, a Appenzeller bites you in the wade, he hasn't "learned" anything else).


i had to say she rarly barked, a rather silent dog, with big rolling eyes, everybody MUST have fallen in love with her.

of course water was her beloved thing when she was young, nothing could kept her from swimming.

young she reminded me always on a seal, small, black, rolling eyes and often wet.

and oh, yes totally fixed on humans, no interest in male dogs, vice versa, she faught them, female she let pass by and male she "hated",

what surely had surprised some of them, she turned to a different dog then, agressive and ready to fight, nothing left of the fear.

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btw, the design of the "Hulcutter" is based on the same idea as the YT-1300




a bitten hamburger!


now take a olive place it on the right side of the burger and fix that with a cocktail stick = YT-1300


well at least that's what the "legend" says.


i took the olive cut it into two halves and placed them on top,

still the hull is cut with various methods, the front "bitten out" part is modeled this time, it was "cheated" in the scripted geometry,

which has lead to a unwanted vanishing of the windows at certain angles.

as i worked on it i'd liked to do all the excavations and cutout parts as modelled,

but it turned out to look very bad, or i would have boosted the polycount, but still you could see the wrinkles

produced by the boolean operation to intersect or unite two parts.

i started out this way, but stopped it after i was dissatisfied with the result.

the cockpit is "inlet" with a simple transparent section on the texture, this time, before it was one of my typical "cheated" holes.

saved also some polys and foremost leaves no wrinkles on the surface (you can see them on the "bitten out" part well, especially now it's worse as ever, it seems the SGModels shading is a bit different and you can even see the creases of a 48 sided cylinder, it's imo far to sharp).


not to tell how the creases look after such a "boolean" or it's to tell, simply ugly.

this has forced me to use my old method again more, what the cost might be ever, i don't like the "wrinkles".

though i used a "intersection" operation truely to make the excavated parts, but left the hull as it is.

the excavated part will be covered then with a second result from the "boolean" which is set transparent and has to be

handled before the rest of the mesh, this cuts out the holes.


and best of all it looks like punched out,  no "wrinkles" because of many creases on a plane surface.

one problem or teardrop there is.

since you obviously can't have something like a z-bias to avoid z-fighting of overlayed geometry.

you will have to lift the cutting parts at least 1mm, still it could lead under certain conditions to a z-fighting (a heavy flickering)

but more won't work, because you can see already the small difference of 1mm (the slight white lines or dots you see on the screenshot above).


after all "Hullcutter" is the right name still, even when i leaned on "Space1889" with that.


we have "the Hullcutter", "the Bloodrunner" and next will be "the Aphid", which will look like a submarine, i guess.






i miss the "Bloodrunner" in your else quite complete collection,

missed it?

or didn't liked it?

or simply broken?

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 Ho no , the bloodrunner  is  right on list in genesia  :





it was a special ship whit enchanced mumbers of copilots   1 to  4 (for a small ton ship)^^


on what have you seen it missing ? 

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or simply broken?


none alls ships on these list works correcttly , each resised and tested on langing , docking , firing missile and lasers .



imperial hunter is the new name of imperial shuttle ( since the scout + of Walterar) he was the starter ship at the imperial location Achernar .

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actually i'm downloading "genesia", to take a closer look at it at home.


anything special you had in mind that could be fixed?

i will see.


expect some overhauled sub-models when i return, there is lot to refine or to re-enable things i throwed away.

prob. s2odans "imp. explorer" will return to.


it's a bit sad many ships have been removed from the official build, i understand the decision to remove elite content,

but there was a handful of models which clearly didn't fall under this criteria, not only of mine.

wherefore some stayed which are FE2, but it looks like they understood.


sorry that i couldn't get the hullcutter and the adder ready, but anyway if we really stay with the LMR,

then this has priority for me instead to "stump down" one for SG.


SG = SansGernot 🙂

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are you hungry geraldine?


edit: i stay for today

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still i don't know what i should do with the hullcutter and the adder, actually i can't both get proper working, or ok, i remove LOD2 that'l wotk 🙂


therefore i have the last so far FFE model for the SGM ready







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 "Sorry, you don't have permission for that!" 

And if you put it on SkyDrive?

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or patience?


but i can if you like


further a wip of the FFE mod for alpha31,

FE2 and little else 😉



it needs some updates, ship specs must be updated, some decals proper placed,

maybe some scripts must be updated,

possible errors must be found, i await a lot of them...


i "resurrected" my former pilot sub-model, though we have the random pilot back in service.

you can influence gender, face and dress color with a change of the registry # (Paint Shop).


of course this works only (as far as i know) with the included ships,

possible mods like the sidewinder for SGM of won't respect this of course

(btw, so far the sidie is the only SGM model that is proofed to work with this Mod,

what shouldn't mean other will work to, since there are no more "Elite Ships" in Pioneer, this Mod

contains only "Elite Ships"). 


of course are all latest LMR versions of my ships included,






if you wonder why some of the custom binary sytems still didn't appear proper, i don't know,

i tried and 'GRAVPOINT' should work, but it returns nonetheless a "unknown type", but i will see.


what i already dislike a bit is that you can't get around the the skyscrapers except to remove (or to replace) the buildings to disable them,

means i can't disable them for this Mod and have to live with them if i like them or not, if the people all will die of decompression or not 😉

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I just probe in A32 freeze


It works fine, just need to you add navigation lights.


Not the same quality as in LMR, but is very good.


Successfully complete autopilot landing.


The other models (Eagles, Constrictor, Cobra, Vippers, etc) are "floating" (in A32 freeze), and you should disconnect the autopilot, to complete the landing. No work it.


A collision mesh problem?

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ok, i haven't tried any as alpha31, i neither have a idea if a "nightly" for the mac exits (edit: has been added 2 hrs ago 😉 ),

though i can't say what with models will happen in that.


but you said "Eagles, Constrictor, Cobra, Vipers, etc", that means the models i converted so far to the SGM, am i right?


ok, i will take a closer look at this problem,

if it's not because of missing crew?

was just a idea...


because the ship specs for the named ships are still without crew min/max,

though this is a possible source if not the simple reason.


i assume the sidewinder works proper?




anyway bad isn't the right term walterar,

let's say i'm "old fashioned", that's all.

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I see that in SGM models included in version A32, the collision mesh covers the landing gear.

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if that's the way how they do it...

i export a landing gears animation at the last set key, works for both collada and x-meshes (to let the ship rest on proper height above the landing pad, but prob. they have a different reason?),

one that prob. fails is the viper since i left the landinggear animation unchanged, as used in the original FFED3D model.


but i'm prttey sure now it's the missing crew, the "sidie" works proper in autopiloted flight mode, thus because i added some crew there.


you can do this little change yourself easy i guess, just add crew_max/min to the shipspecs of my alpha31 versions, that should do the job.

i guess most will have 1 crew, but already for the "sidie" i chose a max of 2, should influence obviously the autopilot or similar else i guess

if you have only a min or the max of crew.


i guess this feature is implemented new and no min/max crew equals 0, that means no autopilot.

i know what you think prob. now what the heck has the autopilot to do with the crew.

but i think it's a good idea, somewhere you have to change something with the crew min/max,

why not autopiloting?


obvious a eagle will have a min/max of 1

but for ships from upon a adder (or sidewinder), you could add one more for max, while i have no idea how much the degree is, or what exactly it influences, except that it's proof now, no crew = no autopilot.


ships from upon a ASP have in FE2 a first crew member where, to remind, his experience ("no i haven't woked yet...","i'm tired of the repetive cargo runs...") and wage play a limited role, but i know a "Tiger Trader" is difficult to dock with the "wrong" crew.





it would be a idea to detect a landing gears collision mesh, but also only if activated,

to make out of the "warning: landing gear lowered, it may be destroyed by micrometeorites" something real, or to get hit at it in a fight, but makes little sense at all i guess.

such could be even solved other otherwise, "gear down and orbit true = percentual damage/time (*body mass?)".


to let the ship rest proper leveled with above described method works (still) well.


it seems the way the animation gets exported plays a big role, i guess because if you export at last key the matrix for the model is in lowered state of the gear (i assume this will work vice versa if you use "gear_up"), thus the models dimensions are in lowered state.

in the stations animation sequence we ask for ship_aabb.y this is the lowest y, but not only of the collision mesh, from the whole model.


for a LMR model i have no such matrix and how ever i turn the animation around, means if i start lowered or lifted it always counts only the

dimensions of the "static" model, while you see the matrix animation exported at last key is quasi lowered at lifted state, but never lowered when lifted,

he, he, sounds stupid (the geometry is in state of a lowered landing gear, but the animation starts with a lifted gear).


btw, if they keep this behave it's a real plus for the SGM, brcause you can level any ship proper due to this,

though even ships like the courier which "lift" the landing gear due to moveable wings will be proper levelled.


a good rule would be to give ships with a "common" resting position, a "gear_up" animation and export as usual at key 0.

while for ships with moveable wings a "gear_down" should reach the same if exported at key 0.

if your animation is made already as "gear_down" and you would have to change it (while this is neither a big thing simply to mirror it)

to let a ship rest proper you can also export the model at last key.

a possible difference will be the appearance in the preview, it looks like if you export a lowered geometry (either a "gear_up" anim or "gear_down" exported at last key)

the preview will show a model with lowered gear, but that's fine as vice versa.


i like the changing ships in the menu, well could have been my idea...(or, i was above to..)

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No landing ends, is suspended almost touching the pad.


You must press f5 to "fall" and ends landing.


Try the "Eagle lrf" in A32


Start on Earth


F5 up a bit


F4 1


F4 2








Mesh collision?


I'm trying new things for Scout + and I not have ships SGM


I'm going crazy, but I must resist the temptation to learn how to use Blender. 

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erm, yes this slight problem i recognized since a while, with either "proper levelled" LMR and SGM models,

but usually i can dock when i simply disengage the autopilot, the ship lands then, but prob. when the gravity

is very low it will need a little down thrust.


but just for this i don't make "oversized" collison meshes, we have them to get at least some reasonable collision detection

if i add the size of the landing gear i can get hit there, makes advantages of small ships less good, no that's no good thing for me.


even if one could argument that it won't play a big role.


but i will see, i have a idea, i guess the upcoming SGM models will land "autopiloted"... but i won't get hit where no hull is...

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I'm going crazy, but I must resist the temptation to learn how to use Blender. 

If you try to use Blender you will either become completely crazy or completely sane. I think both are currently happening to me.

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