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To all SSC Station occupants

Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.

Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.


[Sticky] Total mod Genesia

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Reputable Member

Hi everyone,


A new member (grondilu) warned me of the illegality of my approach towards the GNU-GPL 3 licence.


Indeed, I should take a theory provides a link to the modified source Pioneer (Genesia).



I've Finaly found some place on my small free dropbox for that.


Since I have found that although Genesia silk MRL, it is nevertheless dependent on the GPL3 license. 

So therefore I repost here as mod Pioneer. 


In fact, I've never had other ambitions than to preserve all those old models before the SGM system. 


And ultimately Genesia is part of the history of Pioneer.



Genesia download in SSC


Topic starter Posted : March 19, 2014 11:19
Famed Member

Great to see this coming back Vuzz! :girlcrazy:

Posted : March 19, 2014 12:13
Prominent Member
Genesia is not a mod Pioneer. Genesia is Pioneer. At least, of the Pioneer imagined its creator, Tom Morton. What we have now is not Pioneer but a mod of the original Pioneer. I mean, Pioneer is a mod of Genesia. So, you should not be here. Genesia should be in the original Pioneer forum.  :drag:


But if you feel comfortable here, then welcome. :takeexample:   :fans:
Posted : March 19, 2014 12:25
Reputable Member


Genesia is not a mod Pioneer. Genesia is Pioneer. At least, of the Pioneer imagined its creator, Tom Morton. What we have now is not Pioneer but a mod of the original Pioneer. I mean, Pioneer is a mod of Genesia. So, you should not be here. Genesia should be in the original Pioneer forum.  :drag:


But if you feel comfortable here, then welcome. :takeexample:   :fans:



Whaoww  , powerfully reasoned my friend , But you can go there a strong anyway, Pioneer a mod of Genesia! OMG! 


  In any case I gave this place a Genesia mod to be sure that newcomers do not confuse me with a "copier pioneer" again. (When in fact I am the archivist ^ ^).

Topic starter Posted : March 19, 2014 12:40
Reputable Member

Link in SSC Download updated.


Just a very very small mod : - Hydrogen is now the unique propellant for both engines (Ip prop & Hyperprop).



Topic starter Posted : March 23, 2014 04:22
Reputable Member

Another small update in SSC download section




GENESIA 060414





- Inworld labels are now colored in blue.

- New approach for groundstations (more closer).

- Populated systems in sectorview now have an indicator that varies by population.





- mod terrain colors for gas giants.




Topic starter Posted : April 5, 2014 12:19
Famed Member

Nice improvements Vuzz! :girlsmile:

Posted : April 5, 2014 13:45
Reputable Member

Thanks ,

With this mod the colors of gas giants are a little less flashy.




And finally i decide to use this improvement of Shadmar,it's be a good helps for trading.



Topic starter Posted : April 5, 2014 20:56
Reputable Member

This will be added to the next release


Mod of dots size and colour table of the scanner






Topic starter Posted : April 22, 2014 20:09
Famed Member

I put in a good long session with Genesia last night and really had a lot of fun with epic battles and "just in time" deliveries while flying around the Achernar system. :girlcrazy: Yes that's right, I just stayed in one system and I could barely keep up with all the in-system scan requests and small deliveries. Achernar is a big system indeed!


A wee request (if possible) Vuzz, any chance of a slider for the job and contracts pages? I filled my contract page last night but couldn't scroll down to see all the jobs I had taken on. If you cant its ok, I was only really pushing how far I could go in keeping up with what the game threw at me. If your normally playing the game it's not really an issue.


I did noticed two little bugs though, first one relates to the starports on Capitol. Now this is quite a hilly planet and sometimes the landing bays are covered in terrain meaning the ship will bounce instead of landing properly to access the starport services. I fixed this by landing manually but aimed for whatever clear bit of the assigned pad was still available. The game then dragged the ship into the centre of the landing pad by clipping through the side of the hill with no damage taken. Marcel's landing pads still look as cool as ever! :girlglasses:


The second bug relates to combat. Sometimes the stardreamer will set itself to pause during the heat of battle. Is this a feature maybe? I panicked a bit because at the time I was up against a much bigger and more heavily armed ship and it took me ages to wear him down with the little 2 MW gun my Imperial Hunter had fitted. I thought the game had crashed but thankfully no it was just paused. It also happened a few more times during other long battles.


Great stuff all the same Vuzz! :queen:


Oh, I nearly forgot :girlwacko: , I gave a few of your Genesia fleet screenshots a wee bump over on Mod DB. Next month if your out there Walterar and reading this, it will be Scouts turn. :girlwink:

Posted : May 3, 2014 05:51
Reputable Member

New update :






GENESIA 210614




- Don't allow hyperspacing close to planets or stations & when landing gear is down.

- New security message for "CLEARANCE_DENIED_NO_BAYS" state (english & french only)

- Delette retrofacing of ships during decelleration phase, align reverse to accel values on all ships.





- News size and colours of scanner dots

- Add a scanner colors table in docs folder

- Update ships_data lists  in docs folder: change allegiance to technology,  & deletion of reverse accel data colum

- Delete reverse accel infos in shipyard infopanel of stations





- Debug projector material on Ip shuttle.

- Statics ships Lynx & Yacht have now the correct parking orientation.

- Fix matvar interferences (?) of the cuttin' hull on Hullcutter

- Correction of reverse accel. on "Caiman + 1 MCU"

- Correction of ECM2 on Gunboat LR

- Deletion of nil material on Cobra3's scoops



Models Changes


- Mod texture on Natrix, Meteor, Wave, Gunboat LR, & TestRun

- Mod win material on B-Wing, Viper Def, Viper Race, Viper Pol, Gyr, Caiman, E.Y.E, Typhoon, & Viper X

- Mod materials on TestRun, Orion, & Wave

- New glowmap for Meteor & TestRun

- Adjust poslights on Eagle Mk-III

- Downscale ECM models on Sidewinder

- Downscale scanner and antenna on Sirius Interdictor

- Mod landing gear on Wave

- Mod propulsion parameters in ships/lancet.lua

- Mod propulsion parameters in ships/natrix.lua

- Mod propulsion parameters in ships/mcu.lua

- Add forgeted second pilot on Viper Def

- Add robot in cockpit on Viper Pol

- Mod largegun2 position on Ladybird

- Add missiles pods on Ladybird, & Sirius Interdictor

- Minors changes of ship.lua on Bloodrunner

- Mod opened door on Caiman

- Mod frontwheelunit's scale on Gunboat LR

- Upscale ASP Scout

- Adjust some materials on Sirius Interdictor

- Adjust missile pods on Turtle, & Supafighter

- Mod main thruster on ASP Explorer






Wish you a nice play



Topic starter Posted : June 21, 2014 08:34
Famed Member

Wish you a nice play


I will Vuzz and thanks again for this wonderful update! :girlcrazy:


Posted : June 22, 2014 01:34
Reputable Member

Soon in Genesia :


GENESIA ----14





- Reduced the rewards of scout missions
Topic starter Posted : June 25, 2014 09:54
Reputable Member

New update   http://spacesimcentr...e/1063-genesia/


GENESIA 130714


The changelog:




- Reduced the rewards of scout missions

- Proper rocketship icon by Evarchart (Pioneer #2942) used now for ship's info panel





- New FlightState JUMPING to initiate hyperjump. This avoids delivering lua events in hyperspace. (from lwho in Pioneer #2731)

- Relocation of Altaïr system from local_stars to customs systems (to adjust reasonable pressures on somes failings planets)



Models Changes


- Downscale ASP Explorer, & Imperial landing Craft

- Deletion of hans & chewy pilots on Corelian Transport YT 1300

- Adjust landing position on Imperial landing Craft

- Mod Win_lo material and add a Win_n material on Caïman

- New Hullcutter model from Gernot (it's now a "true cutting hull"), + various adjusts for Genesia by Vuzz

Topic starter Posted : July 13, 2014 00:48
Active Member

Hi there, I have a question about combat in Genesia, when I tried my first assassination yesterday everything was a total failure. I was around 2k meters behind my target blazing away with a dual 1mw pulse cannon and i may as well have been using a nerf gun. anybody able to tell me what i was doing wrong? the target was the Flash Gordon looking ship (Planetary Express i think)


Posted : July 20, 2014 04:55
Reputable Member

Hi , its seem logical


I can easily see that a 1MW pulse laser against a Planet express with a 200tons of hull ( witch have probably some unit of energy  shields) is really utopic.


to resume : its like you shoot a heavy tank with a pistol.


Did you have equip the radar mapper to see the data of your target ? with this equipement you can see if you shoots are absorbed by the energy shields. 


The assassination missions in Genesia are the chalenge , mosts target are eavily shielded and jump directly when they are attacked


In many case it's neccessary to have an hypercloud  analyser to continue the hunt.
Topic starter Posted : July 20, 2014 05:11
Active Member

Thanks, so get loaded for Bear before you start trying them then, 4mw or even bigger?

Posted : July 20, 2014 05:16
Noble Member

vuzz, a question, it has nothing to do with genesia,


but it seems you use inverted colors for the appearance of SSC? (some bright background color, e.g. grey?)


you know usually it comes along on a rather dark blue, if you use a color like this, it get's hard to read for most i guess.


first i thought you like to hide certain text, but it seems it's more occasionally?


i know, i do have to care not to use very bright colors since i like green or red, i know it will get hard to read prob. if someone uses a bright background.


also you have to keep in mind that some screens reproduce the colors quite different, i.e. the colors on the macbook differ moch from the luminiscence of my HP monitor.


actually i can see your darker set letters, but on my moms macbook the vanish completely, it's a little old one ane the screen has lost a lot of luminiscence (on the other hand the HP monitor is even old).




apart from this, certain things/ideas are surprisingly good in genesia, bravo! (i would like the lime, but someone argued once he can hardly read it, since then i choose a darker green)


(see, know i have time to read all the things i missed before, since i don't have to think i only have a few days time to stay online.

i neither have to port data on a stick between the machines, or any other obstacle which the former situation has invoked).


something more technical,

i noticed that you use (i guess i wrote you this once?) newer shader scripts as what was used up to release alpha28?

now there is a problem with these shaders, i haven't found out what exactly it is.


on my moms macbook pioneer (genesia i can't run at all on the macbook, resp. only if i use a osx compiled executable, which didn't supports genesia fully) gots nearly unplayable the framerate sucks completely since alpha31 i guess, some 5 fps, before it was running at least above 15 fps.

even on my 64bit machine at home i have a noteworthy reduction of performance since then.


now there is no use to tell the pioneer developers about such, they will only answer that my machine is outdated, such has happened more then once (a irritating reply i guess).

such is mean, instead to care that everybody is happy with the performance they only guess each has 1000's of bucks spare to buy a new machine just to play pioneer.


personally i use the alpha28 shader scripts, they work ok with the macbook and super on my machine at home, leaves enough power to capture the game (make a clip) with 30 fps.


i didn't feel my machine is really old, 2 years overall since it was a yesteryears, lowered in price and the gfx card i use is also about 2years old, but i guess a

G-Force GT440 isn't really a bad one.


i guess i'm not the only one here with a paperfoil thin wallet (sometimes i'm such broke i have to live by a handful of rice and tea, it would be a healing experience for some i guess)

now, if some of the devs. of pioneer are "richie richs" i can't tell, but it seems like.

at least they care a shit about ppl who argue about performance problems ("go buy a better computer", does a user have to hear something like that?

if i would be a nube it would have been the last time i was interested in pioneer if somene tells me something like this).


besides, not even commercial games of today respect only the newest and most expensive stuff on the market, it's a question of business, if i like to sell my game.

i know if such happens they can fed up a whole community of gamers with such a behave.


but it seems to some is this not of interest, they only care about themself ("go, buy a better machine" :elf: )


besides, if you already took care about that, then you can forget this plea.



@thunderchild, "...Flash Gordon looking ship", green one? then it's Planet Express, ha, ha, i "ripped" that one from SketchUp.

else there is a "real" Flash Gordon Ship, my "Bloodrunner", somethng i like much, personally i would like a complete retro styled game.


if if it's only to show: "see it's first a GAME, second it's FICTION, the purpose of sci-fi is to me not as much as it should show what future will bring technically,

it should show where our society goes, that's the real purpose of sci-fi, this counts not for all, but for good ones like Vernes "Cpt. Nemo", Roddenberry's StarTrek,

or Luas's StarWars. even real bad authors like Hubbart used sci-fi for this purpose (while hmmm... if i think about what i wrote above, some must be fans of Hubbart,

"i'm Rich and i'm a different class, i have different rights because i'm rich". you can have such as a credo in life, i know well).

but the good ones have a idea about a society of equality between classes, races and cultures.


liberté, égalité, fraternité

some use sci-fi to hammer this in the minds of humans


some others see only the fame and the gold in it (how lame).


besides one thing i can grant you, humans will never make themself into space with this society of two classes (resp. three, a lower, a middle an a upper, where the lower tends to reach the middle class and the middle tends to reach the upper class, it's fucking Hubbarts idea of a society and it will lead only to total destruction).

and if then i hope there are some aliens who will teach us this, even if they have to use a plasma accelerator to do so.


hmmm... that "sparksova" looks quite different.

Posted : July 24, 2014 05:57
Active Member

I was thinking of the ancient 30s RKO Flash Gordon, They used to be shown on a saturday morning when i was a little un, way way back

Posted : July 24, 2014 10:39
Active Member

I downloaded this mod and tried to run it but I have a problem. When I first tried to open the .exe it told me that MSVCR110.dll was missing. I found the missing dll and put it in my win/system 32 folder, and also downloaded the new Visual C++ as recommended. The program gave the same error when I tried to start it, so I placed the dll directly into the Genesia folder. Now when I try to run the .exe I get the following error "The application could not be started properly (0xc000007b).


I have tried unzipping the game folder again, but the problem persists. Does anyone know how I can fix this problem?


Pioneer works fine on my computer, I'm running Win 7 SP1 64bit.

Posted : July 29, 2014 02:49
Reputable Member



Genesia is compiled under MSVC 2012 ,


I'm not a technician of MV C++ but my wife have  the same system like you , so i'll can try on his computer soon.


MSVCR110.dll  must be put in the main folder of genesia ( where there is the Genesia.exec)


I'm under windows 8 and that's work fine ...


To be continued ...

Topic starter Posted : July 29, 2014 07:44
Reputable Member

Ok , ive try to run Genesia on the computer of my wife (MS windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1)


and that work perfectly , so ....


Beware  , Genesia is NOT a mod of pionner , you must not put this  one in any Mod folder , 


Just extract that excactly like you install Pionner ( it's a total mod , a sort of second game)

Topic starter Posted : July 29, 2014 08:19
Active Member

Thanks for the reply. I originally unzipped Genesia into its own foler. I tried your solution, but I still have the same problem. Pioneer and Scout+ work fine.

Posted : August 1, 2014 07:10
Reputable Member

maybe you need some MSVC library ...


let's me see that today , i'm busy this morning but , i'll try to give you my list of lib.

Topic starter Posted : August 1, 2014 20:19
Reputable Member



Have you this one installed on your computer ? : 


  -      Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable (x64)   11.0.50727


  -      Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable (x86)   11.0.61030 



Here is the link to the Download :

Topic starter Posted : August 1, 2014 20:36
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