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Group: Registered
Joined: November 25, 2016
Rear Admiral Registered
Helium Rain is quite chill.

In forum Space/SciFi Combat and Simulation Game Discussion

2 months ago
At first, reading this thread, I thought this was a remake o...

In forum Space/SciFi Combat and Simulation Game Discussion

3 months ago
@pinback A real blast from the past it is Pinback! Ther...

In forum Sci-Fi Movies and Television

3 months ago
Check out the rest of Ulysses 31 on You Tube. The whole seri...

In forum Sci-Fi Movies and Television

3 months ago
Also, this, not a movie but a series you might well remember...

In forum Sci-Fi Movies and Television

3 months ago
Here is another for you D1. 😉

In forum Sci-Fi Movies and Television

3 months ago
Why are you messing around with that PC trash Pinback!?! You...

In forum General Chat

3 months ago
@cody Yeah, after Tom Baker, I stopped watching. For me, ...

In forum Sci-Fi Movies and Television

3 months ago
Speaking of subs.... I also picked up another kit. I'll ge...

In forum Pioneer

4 months ago
@classyk I suspect it wasn't very accurate either, but th...

In forum Pioneer

4 months ago
@cody The British sub did well, given how primitive the t...

In forum Pioneer

4 months ago
Also, after a gap of 50 years, I have decided to take up kit...

In forum Pioneer

4 months ago
@cody Worry not Cody. Radio Caroline used to finish many ...

In forum Pioneer

4 months ago
40 years of Elite eh?

In forum Pioneer

6 months ago
Just to send my best wishes over this festive season to ever...

In forum Pioneer

7 months ago
Picked up Days Gone from the GOG sales. A kinda biker themed...

In forum General Chat

8 months ago
@cody. Kick the tires and light the fires in that Cobra Mk...

In forum Pioneer

9 months ago
Hard to believe that this picture from my SC hangar is a dec...

In forum Star Citizen

9 months ago
@cody I heard it too. It sounded so fake to me. Still, I pic...

In forum Pioneer

9 months ago
@cody It can be fixed but those in power have to have the...

In forum Oolite

10 months ago
@cody Sorry to hear that, Cody. Hope they manage to fit y...

In forum Oolite

10 months ago
@cody Win 11, Malware Bytes, F-Secure, Spybot and "some othe...

In forum Oolite

10 months ago
@cody Ooh, I am sorry to hear that, Cody. 😧 Oolite was a gam...

In forum Oolite

10 months ago
I have a problem with the new Oolite site, it triggers my se...

In forum Oolite

10 months ago
@cody Just like killing Thargoids, you should be a past mast...

In forum Starfield

11 months ago
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