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100 ships in one huge battle

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Warrant Officer Registered
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Doing a small self learning exercise on the API.

Well not that easy to see the battle in a picture, but kind of cool anyway to watch 🙂




Some potential stuff on the top of my head would be high risk missions like

-delivering supplies to the "front" in the middle of a war.

-faction fights. If two systems have opposing faction borders, eventually you will witness a battle.

-take out a marked ship in a huge battle and get paid.

- ..


The ship names are just their status for debugging so I know when they are idle, attacking or being attacked.


When one day makes it, modding missions will be really extensive.





Petty Officer Registered
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Looks great. Consider uploading a video to youtube.

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That's pretty cool 🙂

What was the performance like? Did it run ok with 100 ships trying to shoot each other down?

Also, what models were the ships?

Warrant Officer Registered
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I upped to 200 ships, all fighting checking their scanner every 30 seconds for something to attack. going 60 fps still.

The scanner looks wild 🙂



Warrant Officer Registered
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@fluffy, all were waves,lanner,natrix and kanaras.

Warrant Officer Registered
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Here is a video (watch in HD or you won't see much)

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That is so cool! 😀

Senior Chief Registered
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wow that's crazy

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It also looks like we desperately need some better explosion effects/textures/everything! 😀

Warrant Officer Registered
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Yeah those explotions could need an overhaul. 🙂

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-delivering supplies to the "front" in the middle of a war.

-faction fights. If two systems have opposing faction borders, eventually you will witness a battle.

-take out a marked ship in a huge battle and get paid.


I like this idea a way down the track how does the AI react at 200 ships ?

Warrant Officer Registered
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For now it's simple (it was just a test to see how it would handle a massive battle), they attack a random visible target, however such a fight using 200 ships would be rather boring and go on forever, so they pick random(1,maxships/20)  targets, so we have about 190 attacking 10 targets which may also be attacking one of the 9 others "victims". They will switch targets every 30 seconds or when a ship explodes or AIKill was completed.

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I think it would be a good idea to give the ship's registration numbers different colors based on affiliation so one can tell friend from foe. Think of the confusion in a massive battle like that with three factions involved.

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is this pioneer or a 3d shoot 'em up? with heavy metal soundtrack and "ahhs" and "wows" and "uhhs" all along the way? (not that i dislike heavy metal).

with 50 guns in front and 200 missiles, is that really what you like?


sorry to me a succsessful dogfight with a single opponent worthes ten times as such at first so cool looking massive battles.

if i like this i switch on my miggy and play some "deluxe galaga" there i can blast those 2d aliens out of the space with weapons that fill the whole screen.

but if i like(d) to have real action and not to be winner all the time, i chose pioneer.


and if the explosion is a simple sphere, i don't mind as long as i have to FIGHT TO WIN.

this satisfies ME, to win a hard fight, not to see them exploding in supercool textured or even particle animated explosions.

that makes no difference and the "coolness" is gone after the 10th time you have seen it.

but the feel after a hard dogfight stays, even when it was fight no. 1000.

Warrant Officer Registered
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Don't worry this is never going into the core 🙂

It's just a test using a simple lua script. At best mod material.

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and marcel, haven't i done so? (faction symbols, squadrons)

randomly i know, but if i had a way to link it with the factions... but without the LMR all is left to the imagination and will of a few.

if they feel something is "lunatic" we will never see it, if they like something we didn't like we will have to mess with it if we like it or not.

if one dislikes my simplyfied symbols and like to see something high-res (on 10cm2), well mine will never make it.

senseful simplified and good to differ designed or not.


but prob. i'm wrong


again, i f one askes me it's all only done to gain total control.

to get rid of me and that the game was nearly styled only by me.

to do this in the most evil way, not with continous work, only with the possibility of a self chosen position to suppress the rest.

dictating style and whatever, everything.


i haven't chosen this, it was "accidentially", i was the nearly first who dared to mess with the LMR.

i filled the game with a lot of models wich have in fact been handled neglected as well as my person by some.

only because of a personal dislike, no else reason.

not because they arten't good.

not because the players disliked it.


buildings had been removed and only the shitty (sorry to me they are shitty) skyscrapers was left.

models have been nearly destroyed with uninspired changes to them.

updates with exclusion of a few was neglected, they never found a way into the release.

empty promises in masses.


because it didn't fits to the imagination of ONE single person!

who likes to gain total control over the style in pioneer and even more worse things i can see.


must be a really bad artist who fears competition that much that he has to gain first total control.

i remember one "artist" (architect) who nearly dictated the whole world (or was about to),

should i tell you why?

he was miserable and feared competition!


that's what i think.



i must be really a masochist that i still contribute to a bunch who handled me like this!

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oh not that i dislike when you play around with the possibilities, this i like much.


and it was your work i have to give some credits to if i haven't already,

the shading is since your appearance in the project very good

and i'm very satisfied with it, have i told you this?


the buildings look finally like they should (i think)

i only have to change the materials i used (again, must be the third change to that, first they was brighter, then i reduced the brightness, then they was to dark, i gained the brightness, then came this "glowing buildings" and i got angry.

actually they are far to dark, but leave this up to me, i will slowly change that.

(sometimes i really feel someones works against me, each step i did in one direction was certainly changed soon, as if one would like to place obstacles for me because it pleases him and only because he's in the right position.

what i ask myself sometimes, what sort of a character is that?


just count this and that together and you would certainly feel the same as i feel.

someones continousely liked to throw sticks between my wheels.




but yours look like it's worth to take as "guideline", with this i can work.

i know when i set a specific color it will appear as imagined.



Warrant Officer Registered
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Thanks, but this thread is hardly LMR vs SGM related at all. It's offtopic.

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then simply say "shut up", that works best with me 😉


(erm, sorry hard not to talk about that for me actually, it's what moves me most

and worst of all it seems to come out even less useful as i imagined,

it undergoes my lowest expections.


but yeah, i stop know, it was about a huge battle, which isn't a really bad idea for a "gag" let's say, but don't misunderstand me, i wouldn't like such in pioneer.

i mean yes as "gag", but apart from that...


but choices are different and that's only good.


.. i would have work enough to do, instead of making everyone upset...

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Well I quite like the many ships thing, it shows what the engine can do, they're all doing something interesting!


It could well have it's place in Pioneer but that depends where we take Pioneer as a game in the future. the ability to have many more docking bays in spacestations is coming along nicely (upto 240 soon!) so star systems could get a lot busier if it's what we wanted and this proves that we can certainly handle it 🙂

Lieutenant Registered
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back on topic i can perhaps like to see in core up to 50 ships and different coloured tags for factions is a good idea to

Warrant Officer Registered
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Haven't checked, but is there a way to color ship tags today?

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Haven't checked, but is there a way to color ship tags today?

No, there's not.

Warrant Officer Registered
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hehe , in LMR , there is a way ^^ that also show what these old system can do .


these two system have repectively her quality nad her default

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opened as an issue:

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