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Group: Registered
Joined: April 1, 2011
Petty Officer Registered
Your travel company need a posters:  

In forum Pioneer

10 years ago
Awesome. Keep posting!

In forum Pioneer

10 years ago
HS jumps should be possible only in vacuum. Or, jumping in a...

In forum Pioneer

11 years ago
Non Pioneer: 3D nebulas

In forum Pioneer

11 years ago
Uhm, it will be interesting. I should read the docs then.

In forum Pioneer

11 years ago
Looks great. Consider uploading a video to youtube.

In forum Pioneer

11 years ago
Military mission: destroying a satellite.

In forum Pioneer

11 years ago
Two thumbs up!

In forum Pioneer

11 years ago
Polar coords. will be usefull only when you are in the Sun s...

In forum Pioneer

13 years ago
Brianetta> Now we have a search box (and a means to reset...

In forum Pioneer

13 years ago
robn>What do you have in mind? Might as well get your req...

In forum Pioneer

13 years ago
It looks pretty cool now. With some gfx tweaks it will be co...

In forum Pioneer

13 years ago
Ruda węgla, no no no : ) Its not, that it just only not ...

In forum Pioneer

13 years ago
Thanks for that addon : )

In forum Pioneer Mods

13 years ago
Coolhand wrote:...old alert icon though, how has that happen...

In forum Pioneer

13 years ago
Ok, the giant class.[attachment=742:star_giant.jpg][attachme...

In forum Pioneer

13 years ago
>"Coolhand" If anyone can take a screen of it in use and ...

In forum Pioneer

13 years ago
I am continuing the exchange of star icons.Today on my desk ...

In forum Pioneer

13 years ago
Brianetta wrote: Mysibrat, are you still having trouble log...

In forum Pioneer

13 years ago
Unexpected crash (pioneer-83795fe-win32) during hyperspace j...

In forum Pioneer

13 years ago
@s2odan I think the current system(...) piece of the city.OK...

In forum Pioneer

13 years ago
Well, cliffs star ports are very cool, i agree. I would like...

In forum Pioneer

13 years ago
First of all, there is some error with adding new issues, po...

In forum Pioneer

13 years ago
robn wrote: We have supergiant stars at last:.. Enjoy! I ...

In forum Pioneer

13 years ago
...but I'm still not sure I like it. I can't quite pin down ...

In forum Pioneer

13 years ago