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Restart or wait for new version?

Crux 72
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So... after almost a year since I stumbled across Pioneer (absolutely by chance), my character has completed his journey...

Actually, now it would be time to start a new game. But... it's almost the end of December and I'm asking myself: Should I wait a few more weeks and play with the latest version that will (hopefully) be released soon?

And while we're at it (and because I don't want to open a new topic), is there any way to mod the 'seed' in the meantime? I mean, is it now possible to mod the game so that it doesn't populate the whole universe when creating a new game?

This topic was modified 3 years ago by Crux 72

Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 294

The next release will likely be out at the 2nd of February (don't quote me on that, it's not set in stone, but a customary release date, aka "Pioneer Day").

Can't recall if there was a save bump recently, but the new version will definitely have tools in the debug window (ctrl+i) to set up your money, reputation and such, if saves are broken.

For populating the galaxy, you could try reducing the expansion rates of the factions in data/factions.

Pioneer Moderator
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New release is inbound, some teaser pictures here:

Crux 72
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Great, looking forward to it. Of course, we can't say much yet, but the new menus look good 😀 !
Posted by: @nozmajner

For populating the galaxy, you could try reducing the expansion rates of the factions in data/factions.

I have already done that. However, this leads to more systems being 'neutral', i.e. not belonging to any faction. This does not change anything in terms of population density.

The thing was that I wanted to mod a universe in which the colonised 'bubble' is smaller, but the systems in it are more individual (hand crafted). That worked well so far, except for the fact that the universe outside the bubble is still colonised - just by neutral, non-contiguous 'individual states'. Sure, with filters and colouring you can 'hide' these systems and try to forget that they exist, but as soon as you go exploring, well, you know.

Anyway - looking forward to the update 👍 
