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Rough city idea

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what i post here is a shot from blender with which i made some simple city "tiles".


the basic idea was to do it close to like it was done in FE2, of course i can't assemble the buildings on the tiles randomly, that would be the final clue.


but we had very early the comment our cities are scattered like with a pepper shaker.

second we had this problem that they was placed on very hostile grounds (remember the cities on cliffs?)

which is solved now quite good as i feel.


very early, i'm not the only one who had this idea, one (greyoxide) came up with the idea to assemble

city quarters on a tile, which i think it's a nice idea.


still we haven't a pan flat ground and of course the tiles would have different heights.


BUT before anything like this can be released the spacing between buildings must be altered.

i guess it's a percentual range of the models collision mesh dimensions and limited to a range of spacings/sizes.


you can control the gap by giving the tiles floor a smaller collisionmesh as the tile itself, but it's far from being perfect.


it leads unfortunately still to far to big gaps between the tiles, further the "tiles" would have to be placed orderly like a checkerboard,

scattering will look obviously not very good. also tiles of a reasonable size of 300m x 300m are a little to big and it will result in only 3-5 tiles

per city.


to close the gaps and to control the difference in height i used a simple bevelling for the tile (base, plate).


but it would allow even streets in some sort.


[attachment=2225:Bildschirmfoto 2013-09-14 um 20.59.37.jpg]


(the selected grey one shows the collision meshs dimension)


i hope one can catch the idea by this picture.

i would have 12 different such simple tiles ready and did already some testing.

but like i said spacing is far to big, and the limitation in amount of large buildings and scattering must be removed.

still it would need a lot of experience to find the proper size and height of a (base) tile.


even a little park is ready 😉

well i know looks a bit SimCity like.



but anyway let me know what you think about it.

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I think this would solve many problems. For me, the only limitation should be: avoid tall buildings near the launch pads. You would live quietly in a skyscraper next to the platforms? 🙂

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erm, hmm... why not, oh, the actual spaceport is very high over ground and gives headakes to structural engineers.


a bit a noisy place yes, i feel since quite a long time spaceports doesn't belong in the centre of a city, think of ol' FE2 they are always on the rim 

(we had once long ago this tagging "city,starport,industrial", well it has vanished (of course).

but exactly such is needed to arrange them this way, "starport" around the starport, industry and residential/commercials aside of them.


talking 'bout noise walterar, what do you think which kind of a noise will leave a dematerializing ship (entering hyperspace) depending on the volume of the immediatly

backfalling air (gas)? it would be horrible i guess (everybodys deaf afterwards, buildings will turn to rubble because of the shockwave) and not without reason i asked long ago for a restriction resp. fining of ships which engage the hyperdrive to early (under 10'000m as example, the fine can't be high enough imo, you kill 1000's of ppl). of course this counts only for "outdoor worlds", where is no medium there can't be a sound or a shockwave (except electromagnetical, but that's a different unwritten chapter). just guess the thunder of a lightning, but a lightning is small in volume compared to a 200t spaceship, i would compare this to the shockwave of a atomic bomb, air is quite "dense" if there is no air (a vacuum) and a pressure of 1 atm. is a force we can't feel, but it's a heavy force compared to 0 atm, try to stop some pressurized gas (or just water in a pipe) from exhausting through a leak, it's not possible without a mechanical force multiplier (a lever of some sort, also a tap is a lever).


besides as a pilot i don't mind about tall buildings i hardly ever crashed into one. well you have to lift the nose... "HEY can't you hear, lift the nose dammit!"


police often crashes into buildings, it's a sort of sport...

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I know what you're saying and I agree. But I do not like the rules written in stone (C or C + +), I prefer that it is controlled from LUA and can be modified according to the needs of the game which I imagine. I would like to define different rules for different factions or worlds. And if that is closed source, it's impossible.

Warrant Officer Registered
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I know what you're saying and I agree. But I do not like the rules written in stone (C or C + +), I prefer that it is controlled from LUA and can be modified according to the needs of the game which I imagine. I would like to define different rules for different factions or worlds. And if that is closed source, it's impossible.

completly agree with you , 

Master Chief Registered
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This is - what I like to see in the game! Here you can still add animation cars, monorails, pedestrians).

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I agree with some point, but the best idea is increase the spawn distance of objects and made more big and complex objects like fabrics, residential centers, powerplants etc etc, in that system we can cover a more big area of the planet, for a right placing all buildings can be made over earthquake-resistant structures with pilons.

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You would live quietly in a skyscraper next to the platforms?

Some people do!


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New ship nozmajner, running at 9 m/s an classic city of potsmoke66



thanks, many of the buildings are from FFED3D

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@sapog662, i guess pedestrians would even go to far for me... but yeah, aha, yet another one who likes interacting models, hmm...


gosh, that would be cool some ppl hopping around on the screen...

let me dream...

you could let them act like "tag along todd", means they try to catch each other but never match to.



ok, this is the "advanced" version, todd can catch you, "goose" would be another basic demo in the same direction

(in fact it's not "basic", sdk1600 is assembler)


erm, sorry i'm a lunatic, i know...

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Walterar, we MUST give credits to, many of the buildings are from FFED3D.


the game looks fantastic on your machine!


ermpf, how i start to hate the macbook, i guess tomorrow i have to go home,

but first i order web from here whatever the cost might be, i miss my computer.

switzerland is a nice country, but it's not to understand why the internet costs so much here.

more evil, well they offer to the unemployed to use a computer, but dammit it's restricted to use it for searching jobs.

can't they imagine that the computer could be chance for some unemployed?

or do they fear that some idiots like me would outsmart them easy?

i mean, if i see how clumsy some of the communal officers work with it, i really feel they don't belong behind the desk.

in other words THEY would deserve to be unemployed, not ME.


i have a fellow in wattwil, he was educated and worked as textile chemicist, certainly he's not stupid, his hobby was astronomy.

but lost his job with the downfall of textile industry here, never found a way back and it's the typical carreer of a unemployed.

first unemployed (not his fault), then welfare, he has fallen into alcoholism (typiically), is aged over 50 and certainly won't find a job anymore.

still welfare is punishing him and he has to advertise for 10 jobs/month else he won't get money to live from.

have they fun in hurting him or what? driving him more and more into alcoholism? until he loses the last remnant of sentence?

fortunately i'm now attested as a idiot, really, i don't have to advertise for jobs anymore.

a stupid system where you first need to ba a attested idiot before they start help you.

also i can only hope it works out that i'm attested as "mentally insane", then i'm allowed to get educated for free.

internet, telephone and television counts then as "least demanding".

what about the sane ones, don't they deserve this? what a bullshit!


i do understand that the youth get upraged, also if you see a delinquent gets handled with gloves,

a 17 year old boy, nearly murdered one, they help him up, i feel it's ok, but the cost is high SFr 29000.-/month.

people get upraged and say whatfor deserves a "murder" 29000 bucks for and get trained in kickboxing?

i support the idea, but most feel it's not fair (which i understand also).

due to media he became now a sort of "Alex" (clockwork orange), and they abuse him now for politics.



ask me what i think why textile industry (and other as well) have downfallen.

what was the exact difference between the "good years" and now?

i tell you, in times of economical growth we had 30% administration and 70% production,

now it's vice versa or even worse, 70% administration and 30% production

(my "buddy" a old akademic, asked me once, "they have computers now, i thought it makes everything easier and more rational,

tell me gernot why do they need more and more ppl in the office"? what should i have answered him?

 "hmm..." i answered, but i ment "Vätterliwirtschaft" (nepotism) and i know what i'm talking about.

after my education as "textile technologist", it's called today this kind, a job has been getting free, a colorist, that's

someone who decides which colors a design will have and you have to have a little education as well as a good sense for colors.

more, you need to know the minds of the "lagerfelds" and "joops", then you can show them a colorset and they say at first bite:

"great, that's what i had in mind", but if you are lousy, you have to do it over and over again until you match their choice.

do i get that job? i mean, i was predestinated, educated and talented, but no, the daughter of some "boss", educated in

sales got the job, because it's "a nice easy and clean job" (it isn't easy, without sense for colors you're worth a shit in this job).

well it's no wonder they have downfallen.

it can't work out with "i'm payed for presence time", you have to produce to sell something.

i saw this heading already 20 years ago, but i'm not asked, i'm only the "Tüechlidrugger" (silkscreen printer)

i'm not payed for thinking (as i sometimes say).

that was also the reason why i left the industry back then and started to work as construction worker,

it was better payed and i saw a future for me.

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" we MUST give credits to, many of the buildings are from FFED3D"


Done! 🙂

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Kind of out of topic, but i thought this guys city generation demo was pretty cool

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the beauty of simplicity!


(off topic what is that? a sandwich spread?)
