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There is a way to map (update info) the unexplored systems?

Crewman Registered
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I'm starting exploring the unexplored systems but when i go there the system remain unexplored. I can see the planets on distance, autopilot can bring me there, but the System Orbit View and the Star System Information remain empty.


I tryed to find manually some sign of life but no luck. So two questions here:


1) There is a way to map (update info) the system were i go? To see orbit and system informations?


2) Are all the uncharted systems with no life?


Thank you all. ^^

Captain Registered
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1. No, there's no mapping information for uncharted systems.
2. Its possible that uncharted systems will have starports.

Both of these are wrong, and need work, but its what we have for now!

Crewman Registered
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Thank you for the quick reply! ^^


............seems now i have to change my strategy... ok, back to work.

Petty Officer Registered
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I have some unfinished work in my queue, which allows to unset the "explored" flag from Lua thus making starsystem information visible.


But don't hold your breath, yet. I have some stuff which I would like to finish first.

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@Iwho This would be fantastic for something that I have thought for Scout+

Drop everything and get this out. Payment for the work with five virgin slave girls!


"I have a patch That adds a" Label uninhabited systems "checkbox (similar to the" Label out-of-range systems ")" If you have this done I'd try it.

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Actually, what currently stops me is, that I don't want to have multiple bigger pull requests open at once. There are some small dependencies among them, and not knowing which would be merged first would cause some confusion.


So, if you bribe a core developer with some additional virgins to review and merge my hyperjump pull request, as soon as that is done I will fire out my next series of patches. Which would be some nice sector view improvements including

  • The just mentioned "Label uninhabited systems" checkbox which would solve


  • "Jump" lines between current<->jump target, current<->selected and jump target<->selected (so essentially a jump triangle) including distance, fuel and time estimates for each of them. This makes it a lot easier to plan multi-jump journeys


  • Sector coordinates in the system details boxes


Edit: Just checked my base of operations (Essand (3,70,-2)) and it seems slaves are legal here (I love the independent outskirts ;)). So, I can accept your offer. I'll fit a Cargo Bay Life Support immediately.

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Posts: 980

Really you have done a good job. We will gladly I send the promised in the place I directed. But, as we know, the least that I can send, is a 1ton, but no problem as each lady weighs 200 Kg
