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Star Citizen E3 2018 Trailer

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Yes... SC is still in development. I have yet to load this up on my new rig to see how it runs.... Its coming along, I actually can't wait to play Squadron 42 personally.

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On the E3 front, Starfield and Starlink, were the games I was interested in!! Especially in the case of of Starlink, a.k.a Skylanders in Space.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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I enjoyed the Starlink trailer a lot actually, only bad thing its a console only release from what I can gather. I guess I may need to break down and get a PS4 this Xmas (hehe for the kids.... ok for me). It was nice for Bethesda to come out and just say this is their new ip, let them take their time and get this one right. People will forget all about Mass Effect if Starfield is done right, plus I think they want to compete with Star Citizen or pull players away from that game. They probably see how much money players throw at SC and they are thinking we are neglecting a gaming sector here 😉

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PS4 is a very good console, with some very unique games. You should go straight for the Pro version, even if you intend to play on a 1080p resolution.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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I thought about holding off, because both Cyberpunk and Starfield are gonna be next gen console titles so I wouldn't be surprised if next year MS/Sony release new consoles tbh. Yeah if I did get a PS4 it would be the pro, looking on eBay I can get them fairly cheap with couple games and controllers used.

If I knew that all these console like exclusives were coming I probably wouldn't have spent $700 on my gfx card for my pc and picked up a mid tier and a PS4 🙂

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If I knew that all these console like exclusives were coming I probably wouldn’t have spent $700 on my gfx card for my pc and picked up a mid tier and a PS4 ?

I disagree. You have access to a vast selection of cheap PC games, and your beefy card means, that you will enjoy them for many years to come. (I am still using an AMD R9 290 from 2015, with my Ryzen 1700x). With a PC/PS4 combination you have access to nearly all the new games. So even the slim version of PS4 will be fine for the exclusive games.
