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Red Rift Mod

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Big news in the Starshatter world. Wdboyd is preparing to commence work on his long anticipated Red Rift mod. It will be done as a continuation of his Jonathan Bismarck saga storyline that formed the basis for the missions in his Solcom mod which I'm my opinion is the best and most complete mod ever made for Starshatter. Check it all out at//



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Whats the red rift mod?

Senior Chief Registered
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It is a continuation of a previous mod called Solcom. Basically Wdboyd (the mod creator) added a new faction to the stock game. The new faction is Solcom. He then made a static campaign which followed a young Solcom Commander named Jonathan Bismarck through the war that is depticted in teh stock game's dynamic campaign. The Red Rift mod picks up at the end of that war with teh continuing adventures of Jonathan Bismarck and some new characters including Bismarck's younger sister.

Crewman Registered
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Yes, I am still working on the "Red Rift" mod for Starshatter:TGS. I'm doing so at my leisure. Any and all progress in this area will be reported at


I am keeping an eye on the progress of an upcoming space simulation game called Star Citizen. It's looks outstanding.
