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Group: Registered
Joined: April 13, 2013
Senior Chief Registered
Cheers again Pinback!   Hmm, the audio is quiet because...

In forum Dominium

8 years ago
For sure sscadmin - bugs are truly the bane of a developers ...

In forum Dominium

8 years ago
It's a challenge, for sure DarkOne ;) That lighting is only ...

In forum Dominium

9 years ago
Cheers Pinback, and thanks Geraldine as ever :)   I've ...

In forum Dominium

9 years ago
Announcing : Insurmountable Odds - Book One of When Stars Fa...

In forum SciFi Books and Fan Fiction

9 years ago
Hi Pinback! I've just epublished the first book set in my ga...

In forum Dominium

9 years ago
I am 50/50 on cockpit views, but only because of logistics. ...

In forum Dominium

9 years ago
..   Pictures say a thousand words Maksw.    ...

In forum Dominium

9 years ago
Nice on Maksw Just as a thought if you doing turntables it ...

In forum Dominium

9 years ago
Looks great maksw and the skin it has almost looks anime fee...

In forum Dominium

9 years ago
ATM, this is the best I can do - though I like the idea of t...

In forum Dominium

9 years ago
    Nice lets see a turn table vid Maksw.  &...

In forum Dominium

9 years ago
New player ship model.        Malsw how...

In forum Dominium

9 years ago
Hi Pinback - I've got Sol's email address, having had him ma...

In forum Dominium

10 years ago
Hey Pinback/DarkOne et al...    Yeh I'm still skul...

In forum Dominium

10 years ago
Cheers codemachineman (and cheers Pinback - as ever ;) ) &nb...

In forum Dominium

11 years ago
@MV2000 -    3DRT's stuff is ace - game-ready, all...

In forum Dominium

11 years ago
Cheers Pinback - that's good feedback indeed - I'll gladly t...

In forum Dominium

11 years ago
Cheers D1 ;)

In forum Dominium

11 years ago
Cheers again for updating Pinback!   And, finally - her...

In forum Dominium

11 years ago
Oh man - Sol, don't go to Blender... really :D You'll be los...

In forum Dominium

11 years ago
Cool D1 - I will pop it into a thread for sure ;)   Tha...

In forum Dominium

11 years ago
Cheers D1 :)   The res was 1920x1080 - and as it's all ...

In forum Dominium

11 years ago
Ha har! Awesome - yes - or the Commodore Plus 4? I'm sure it...

In forum Dominium

11 years ago
Still breathing... still working on Dom... ;)   Latest ...

In forum Dominium

11 years ago
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