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Omnitrends Universe

99 Star General Site Moderator
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Long have I wanted to play this game, but have always been defeated by emulators or 40 year old copy protection, so it was with some surprise to find it on GOG along with it's two sequels.

The game itself is a very early  space trading and open world combat game coming out in 1983 on the Atari 8 bits computers with this PC version having a copyright of 1987. it's not one for the graphic whores as it is mostly text and list of options but it dose have some depth to it, considering it from the early 80s. As you will find yourself having to plot courses into and out of a planets orbit to allow shuttles to land and collect cargo and passengers and then move away from the planet in order to go into hyperspace. That is only scratching at the surface of the game as I have not got into any combat or mining yet, with the mining you have to send pods to the surface of a planet and their is also assaults pods to deal with the natives if they object to your mining. Keeping an eye on the crew, provisions and fuel and an extensive list of equipment for the ship.

the GOG version of the game comes with a walkthrough of a basic game which is really helpful and something my original copy of the game dose not have, although it have thrown up some issues as looks like it was written for the A8 version of the game. Also the find the word in the manual copy protection have not been removed and can be a bit of nusance when moving between disks.

One feature I have seen which I can think off hand as seeing in any other game is when you go to buy cargo, the price of the items will fluctuate and the manual says you will need a good eye to get the best price. but it looks like dos box is running the game too fast as you need to be super human to get anything.

It's an interesting game and worth a look if you have an interest in this type of game, it reminds me a lot of Traveller and Sundog but without Sundogs graphics 




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I never have even heard of this game until now 🙂 but a lot of the 80's games (especially the rpgs) used this manual page number and word security for piracy 😉

99 Star General Site Moderator
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It's an interesting game and they more I play it the more feature it has but it can be somewhat of a frustrating experience.

Will have to give the second one a go at some point. 
