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[Sticky] What would you want to see in Dominium?

Senior Chief Registered
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Welcome all!


We've ran surveys in the past (from the original Dominion pitch) but I wanted to run a refresher on a few areas based on the most recent one, as well as open a forum up for free discussion.


I have some (very) clear ideas on Dominium (name to be changed) and what I want it to be, how to deliver it, etc. but I'm also open to suggestions and constructive critique. If Dom is ever going to happen, I want to do the best I can to make sure it delivers something you would want to play, and not just something I want to make 🙂 I'm hoping to do both!



So - please hit the poll on this thread! and drop in as much or as little as you like - I'm all ears 🙂


Nb. Please - no critique on the Kickstarter pitch - not that I don't want to hear it - but the KS pitch is pretty much done and dusted now, and is "past". In this thread I want to concentrate on the future, and what Dominium may become if it gets chance! 


Ithankyou 🙂

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I'm going to be Narcissistic(ish) and reply to my own post first 😀


When we get to ships and stations with interiors - I want Boarding... I want to have to have to fight off a pirate raider squad which have managed to board my trader!

99 Star General Site Moderator
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gone with the first three trading exploration and combat.


prefer First person for the space section but if there are any ground action I like 3rd person


Gameplay would be top of my list.


I still think theirs a bit of gap in market for a space trading adventure game along the lines of the old RPG games like Megatraveller and Sundog.

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Cheers Pinback - was waiting to see if there were more responses, but nothing so far 🙂


I saw you respond to the newsletter - but the responses seem to have disappeared into the electronic ether - can you remember how / where you responded? Cheers!

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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My vote was for mainly exploration, first person and gameplay. There has hardly been any games out there yet that made exploration fun and rewarding at the same time.

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I saw you respond to the newsletter - but the responses seem to have disappeared into the electronic ether - can you remember how / where you responded? Cheers!


Tis here

Warrant Officer Registered
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A very interesting and promising project 😎

It seems that - like me - a lot of fans are for the "Gameplay" as most important aspect. If I look at your video where you put together nice procedural ship interiors, my impression was: it should not look overly spectacular, also because the work behind would be very demanding, but it should be the base for a lot of different missions, dynamic ones if possible. The same procedural principle could probably be used for planetary constructions, bases and their rooms etc.


I wish you a good job, looking forward to see Dominium arise !



Senior Chief Registered
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Cheers XenonS 🙂


Gameplay is crucial - I'm very concious that I'm offering a lot of potential gameplay already with Dominium - and delivering it all is a massive challenge. Hence we're planning to stage it and grow the gameplay incrementally as we go.


The aim with the PGC layouts is to do "just enough" polished content to allow for a large variety of ships/stations/bases - then as we go we'll extend with more content/variety to enrich the experience. 


So I hope!
