To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
I wanted to announce our new space combat game Ensign 1. We're going for a game which will allow players to dock and board larger space carriers/stations, and even be able to pilot them. It will also feature full freedom of movement dog-fights, and hopefully a few Descent inspired levels thrown in.
We've just launched a Kickstarter campaign here, if anyone would like to be an early supporter ... t-ensign-1
but if you'd just like to follow our progress, you can find us on indiedb at
Thanks for checking us out!
Thanks for dropping in and letting us know about your game Onionman. I saw this on Moddb just the other day and just haven't gotten around to mentioning it so you saved me some time.
Great start so far and I like the early explosions of the ships and the ship boarding and possible combat is a great plus. Hmmm in-game advertising, might have to see what that is 🙂
Eheh, thanks 🙂 Yea, I've known about this site for awhile and wanted to drop in, but wanted to wait till our game got to a certain point first. Glad you approve!
Definitely think this is the way these sort games should be going now.
Where you have a human avatar instead of a ship, Maybe not so heavy on the FPS side though.
I am interested in seeing what you do with the whole freedom of moment that you talked about in the description. I know EVE was trying to touch on it in their recent updates.
I also added Ensign 1 to the game listing.
When I said freedom of movement, I guess I just mean 6dof or 6 degrees of freedom. I didn't know that's what it was called at the time. As apposed to being locked in just 2 planes to move around in.
And thank you for adding us to the list! The only thing I might change is that I'd say we're 3D vs. 2D.
What about on your ship will you have the freedom to move around your ship and interact with crew and ship systems?
Oh of course, that's what the game's about.
I posted a little Youtube video that hopefully shows a little more on how you'll be able to walk around ships. A moddb user suggested to make it like Mace Griffin, so that's what I was going for.
Some great stuff there space flight and fps mode seemed really smooth.
On that cockpit view you might want to make that bar that goes across the front of the cockpit a little lower or higher because it impedes the targeting marker. And when you were shooting the rounds never were aligned with the center of the target marker they always seems to be slightly lower. At first I thought it was because of movement but you were moving straight ahead with no turns. I know this will all get flushed out in the end. 🙂
Yea, that cockpit was never intended to actually be used in space flight. It's all just an experiment right now.
Hey DarkOne, I created a new video that should show off how freedom to walk around in your ship will work in Ensign 1.
Your concepts are great and really liked the windows in the smaller ship and how everything was moving in aspect to your ship. I will hopefully post something on the blog soon about your kickstart project to see if we can get you some more donators and for $5 for the game sounds like a deal to me.
Ah much appreciated DarkOne, yea that would help us out a lot.
Nice vid Onionman
Have you given any thought to what the player avatar can do on the station and ship.
Or are you still going for a Mace Griffin FPS only gameplay.
When I said Mace Griffin, I was only trying to refer to the way you switch between piloting and FPS, how kind of just sit down in the ship you are in and start flying.
Inside larger ships were definitely thinking man-able turrets and of course the ability to fly the capitol ship if you make it to the bridge. Later on we'd like to bring in merchants where you can buy upgrades or new ships.
Mace Griffin a game with so much potential that could have been so much more,even still
to this day Mace Griffin annoys me with its time count downs which it had in its levels,
In fact I am surprised mace Griffin has not been modded in to a space trading exploration
game yet as the core of what is needed to do so already exists within the game,I hope Ensign 1
becomes what mace Griffin should have been and more,I hope to see the ability to
land on planets,explore space stations all in first person mode,see meet talk to npc,
good AI,I would really love to walk over to a bulletin board booth or bar and interact
in FPS mode,It would be nice if Ensign 1 could be expandable by being modded,new ships
,stations.I wish you success with this game as you seem to be going in the right direction.
Ah thanks you Proben. I think we are going to try to support modders as much as possible with Ensign 1. Probably similar to our last game, players will have access to whatever tools the developers had, if they want it. Like the in game level editors and such.
Got a new new video, showing off some of our most recent updates. Finally we see some capitol ship getting piloted.
The space combat looking good but maybe your green reticle a bit hard to see also do intent to add anything to it like a leading reticle or the shield strength of the current target.
Yip, that little reticule has outlived its usefulness. Definitely be coming up with something new eventually.
Only about 7 days left until Ensign 1 kickstarter program is completed and currently it only has 33% more to go until funding goal is accomplished.
We reached it! Reached the goal! Guess we gotta make this game now 😆
Or you could go on a nice vacation 🙂
Congratulations Onionman on this feat. That is some really good news and a morale booster at the same time. Just knowing that there is some interest in Ensign 1 and people really do want to see your vision completed.
Now to this part.... get back to work 😈