I didn't want to announce this on our main DB page, just keep it between the forum users here, but we're considering cancelling this project. I think it's a fun idea, but the money just isn't there for us to be doing this full time, which we are essentially doing right now, (I am, Rusty is putting in every waking moment that he's not at work).
So this isn't an official announcement yet, just something that we're seriously considering at the moment.
I would do my best to make sure co-op got into the game, to fulfill our Kickstarter pledge of releasing a multiplayer alpha, but after that we aren't so sure.
I didn't see on the kickstarter page for Ensign-1 that you put a finish date? Couldn't you just slow down the development a bit so you don't get burnt out? Because we all know that a $1000 funding goal isn't something that can really compensate you or your team at all. But I do understand your reasoning, I don't know how many pre-orders have been made for the alpha but could another kickstarter be made to get you through the beta as well. I'm sure once people play your alpha it will attract more attention and people can physically play your alpha and they know its not just a pipe dream.
But as a gamer and a website owner I do know what it takes to keep the lights on and people fed and you need to do both and hopefully Ensign 1 will fit in their somewhere. This is part of the development cycle where your not making anything and people want results. Maybe Ensign-1 should have stayed a side project until it was much further along in development cycle to charge more?
Not sure if this is doable or breaks any type of contract with kickstarter or indiedb, but can you just work on the game (part-time) but people pay for the game and they just get free updates as you get them done, knowing fore well that game development can end at anytime and then the game is 'as is' condition?
We are going to try a few last ditch efforts to save the game, and sales are thankfully recovering.
To answer your question though, if we made the decision to scrap the project, I don't see it as one I'd work on part time, it's just too ambitious of a project that I don't think would get anywhere as a hobby, and like you said, I was/am getting a bit burnt out.
We did just recently bring some new teammembers on board though that I'm hoping will be breathing new life into the project, including a very talented 3D artist who I think will help with the look of the game greatly.
My friend, please take a look at my post under player suggestions as to my thoughts on this cancellation subject thing. But to sum it up... very sad. Could have been a classic... I do understand the logistics of the situation... but as the Japanese say "mottainai (ã‚‚ã£ãŸã„ãªã„)" basically meaning .. what a waste. This game has serious potential/or had.... I don'no, ya gotta do what cha' gotta do but ... lots'a potential will go down the drain if this project does.
are you mad onion? do not cancel this. if anything take a break. ive been posting about this game all over the web. there is no game now or in the near future which can do what yours is doing even in its basic development stage. docking, fps, fully moddelled capital ships to walk around inside while the game universe exists persistently outside still, you can take control of the bridge of the ship you land on......the possibilities for multiplayer type combats are endless.
imagine simple capture the flag. 20 vs 20. and the flag is deep in the core of each factions mother ships. you gotta fight through defending ships, land in the hangar bay, defend the hangar bay, fight your way to the core, grab the flag, escape....so much possibilities. not to mention the epic space adventuring possibilities.
do another kick starter campaign, you got 78 backers originally. so what if THEY dont contribute AGAIN, tho i know they just might, open up the contribution show off what you've got, where your going, and what you can do, show off and show people that everything is persistent, and exactly how cool that is to be able to walk in first person in any ship and take over any ship and your ship is still inside waiting for you.
you will get backers. just show what you've got.
set a goal of how much you think you need. 200k? i dont know. but i can tell you this, your project is way further along than the quest for earth vaporware crap. no other game has what you can do in your small little effort so far, just make some gameplay elements for multiplayer, make it interesting and you have a good sandbox/team play multiplayer game there for people to enjoy while you develop the other aspects. get people to help you promote to their friends and people they know across all space communities, if stardrive could do it so can you and your miles ahead.
if you want, spruce up your graphics more for a selling point and go from there.
Well, things aren't looking great I'm afraid. I can hope this is just lull, but I'm running out of stops to pull.
I'll be trying to reach out to investors or find a publisher, to try and get this project the foothold it would need to be finished.
actually, this looks like a very worthy replacement for "dark matter: the baryon project". as such, I would like to say: Please, don't cancel this, especially if you plan single player at some point...
Single player is all we have at the moment. I'm a little confused where players seem to think we're only a multiplayer game, I guess the title of the kickstarter last year?
If you're coming here from indiedb by the by, this game likely won't be cancelled in the near future anymore.
This is also nice to hear, because you and Rusty have been putting in some serious time and want to see it pay off for you and too see a official release of Ensign-1.
I was worried there for a moment when i read the title of the thread.
I've been keeping tabs on the game for the past couple of months and i finally went and bought it after i watched the latest video so i feel really happy to hear that it wont be cancelled any time soon after all.
Are you able to tell us what happened so that things aren't quite looking so bad now?
I havn't ever bought a game before it's been completed (well, not a game that actually states this fact <img src="' http://spacesimcentral.com/forum/public/style_emoticons//nyam.gi f"' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='' />) not even minecraft and i've been playing video games for over 30 years now.
I think this game has so much potential it's unreal, has anyone let folks know about this game in the Egosoft forums yet? if not i'd be happy to tell them all about it!
In general, we the developers won't post on another companies game forums.
As to why, it was just sales picking up a bit in general. Although, ugh, now I hate to say this, but we've come to a point where I don't know what we can do that could really secure development with the game. We're not going to cancel it I'm sure, but I don't think we can keep the development pace we've been doing, unless we can secure some funding somehow.
It must be quite a challenge and i think i understand your predicament.
It's good to hear that development will continue for just now due to sales picking up a bit and like i said i posted a link and some info on the Egosoft website to try and at least get it known amongst the X crowd while they wait for X-Rebirth(can't wait!).
Keeping the current development pace at it's current level doesn't seem so important, just as long it is being worked on. Even monthly updates would be a bonus .
Right right, well I'm currently looking into finding a new lead artist, which may bring in a larger audience. We're also releasing the level editor very soon for the game, and I'm hoping people might decide to mod it to their liking, which might breath some new life in as well.
Right now our biggest fallback is content, that's what we're in need of the most, and I'm currently looking for a new level designer. Will be posting about that eventually. Programming wise, on my end, I will be working on bringing multiplayer into the game from here on out.
I sincerely hope you guys find a way to keep this project alive - I pre-ordered it because of how ambitious and cool it is. It's got most of the features I and many other die-hard space sim fans have always wanted in a game. You've shown you have the skills and talents to make a great game, so let's hope you can secure the funding. Perhaps a second Kickstarter wouldn't be out of line?
Best of luck to you, onionman! This is a game that should be made.