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Pandora First Contact

Warrant Officer Registered
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I do not know if a topic has been posted before about this game (none have been since june somewhere) so here goes.


I must say it's a very well-playable, enjoyable and polished game (sadly that's rare at release). But neg's are mostly that it lacks much of the SMAC atmosphere.


Anyone else managed to play this one?

Senior Chief Registered
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But neg's are mostly that it lacks much of the SMAC atmosphere.


Wasn't that like the #1 reason to play Alpha Centauri?


So what are the positives?

Warrant Officer Registered
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Warfare is very fun. Resource and city management is too. And it has a very neat UI. And it has an AI which does its job well and doesn't rape your CPU like civ 5's does.

Crewman Registered
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Just started this one yesterday. While I liked Alpha Centauri, Pandora looks so much better and doesn't hurt my eyes when playing a long session. Pandora simplifies a few things, but not all that much and, besides, some of the simplifications make the game more playable in my opinion. Let's see how I feel after a week or so...

Warrant Officer Registered
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I love it's neat UI, and while many mechanics are simplified, in the scope of this game it works neatly.


Hence my biggest neg for the game is that it doesn't catch the SMAC atmosphere 😛
