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Group: Registered
Joined: August 27, 2017
Warrant Officer Registered
This new international laws (banksters laws) are letterally ...

In forum Political and World Discussions

8 years ago
After 12 years they have released huge update to Nexus: The ...

In forum Nexus: The Jupiter Incident

8 years ago
poked the link to several people :D some people might buy it...

In forum Space/SciFi Combat and Simulation Game Discussion

8 years ago
He at least gave us something universally hated which we can...

In forum Sci-Fi Movies and Television

8 years ago
To be honest, I admire him for doing that.   My persona...

In forum PC and Console Gaming

8 years ago
I'm 4 missions in and enjoying it so far.  On the other...

In forum FPS, Strategy and Tactical Scifi Games

9 years ago
I've finished the storyline in one lenghty play session. It ...

In forum FPS, Strategy and Tactical Scifi Games

9 years ago
No, but you know my general stance towards iceberg ;)

In forum FPS, Strategy and Tactical Scifi Games

9 years ago
fun trivia fact: A large part of the crowdfunding for Iron S...

In forum Sci-Fi Movies and Television

9 years ago
they changed some of the models, but mostly just detail upgr...

In forum Sci-Fi Movies and Television

9 years ago
Star Wreck: In the pirkinning HD remaster

In forum Sci-Fi Movies and Television

9 years ago
Maybe we don't get to see Kylo's babyface next time :D After...

In forum Sci-Fi Movies and Television

9 years ago
gave it a spin, seems to be coming along nicely! He would al...

In forum Free SciFi Gaming Projects

9 years ago
Also, while overall I did like the new movie, it fares far w...

In forum Sci-Fi Movies and Television

9 years ago
What homeworld does especially well in my opinion is mixing ...

In forum FPS, Strategy and Tactical Scifi Games

9 years ago
yep. Large part of the launch costs is the engine manufactur...

In forum Outer Space and Astronomy

9 years ago
Basically the only games they didn't "sabotage" are Gas Guzz...

In forum FPS, Strategy and Tactical Scifi Games

9 years ago
SpaceX pulls off return of 1st stage

In forum Outer Space and Astronomy

9 years ago
i loved star trek for the philosophical and ethical conundru...

In forum Sci-Fi Movies and Television

9 years ago
only positive thing i can note here is that it has 90% less ...

In forum Sci-Fi Movies and Television

9 years ago
R136a1 - The Potential Earthwhacker

In forum Outer Space and Astronomy

9 years ago
just the fact that it uses unity as its engine already makes...

In forum Space/SciFi Combat and Simulation Game Discussion

9 years ago
Also, I noticed they're going to add another system, i spott...

In forum X Series

9 years ago
Update 4.0

In forum X Series

9 years ago
How about mixing the 2? Kinda like Shores of Hazeron did. &n...

In forum X Series

9 years ago
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