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Looking for an Artist

Gaius Konstantine
Warrant Officer Reporter
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 214
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Hi all, hope you're all well since the last time I popped in.

Anyway, while I'm aware of some places I could ask this, I thought I would shout out to the denizens here first.

If you would know a good artist who can work in 2D (ship design and concept art), I'd be thankful for any good recommendation.


Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 7888

Did you find anyone Gaius? I am definitely not an artist unless your looking for stick figures 😉 Maybe lookup @SolCommand maybe he could help he created that model in the header of the site. 

Gaius Konstantine
Warrant Officer Reporter
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 214
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Hi D1, no I didn't from here and thanks for the suggestion, I'll check with my partners and see if we need another one first as we picked up a pretty cool guy from elsewhere.

Basically there's something very new in the works that I'll be a small part of, I'm keeping a lid in the information for the time being but will pop in as we get an actual prototype/demo up and running.

Thanks again.
