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Is Pioneer dead?

Master Tron
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I just recently downloaded Pioneer from the main website, version 20220203, and looking through this forum, I find there's other better versions, but they're not available anymore, except version pioneersp-g29f-w32l32l64, which looking at videos I see on this forum, look nothing like them at all, and when I try to download what is supposed to be better versions, the links to Dropbox no longer exist, and the last post was in 2019, so I'm wondering now, if Pioneer is still in active development, if so, then below is a major drawback between the sp version and the 20220203 version.


pioneersp-g29f-w32l32l64 is very, very buggy when using a lot of the in-game menus, the cursor is so slow that move the mouse a little and wait for around 15 seconds, then the cursor moves, but the 20220203 version is very smooth, also in the 20220203 version I can use ultra GFX, but I can't in the sp version, was the sp version compiled using a different GFX engine?

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Master Tron

Crewman Registered
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Pioneer isn't dead. pioneersp (Pioneer Scout+) is not a "better" version of the game, it is a "different" version which was developed from a much earlier version of Pioneer. The one you can find on the main website is still being developed, I think there is a new release, like, every 6 months.

I don't know about Scout+ though, neither about the technical problems nor whether it is still worked on. Scout+ resembles old versions of Pioneer a lot more than modern Pioneer does IMO.

This post was modified 2 years ago by wkfo

Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 294

Yes, Pioneer is alive and well. Severly undermanned, and we have very little time usually, but we are still here chugging along. This forum does not see much activitiy these days. The dev team is active on IRC, and the discord server sees occasional activity too.

(Allow me to tease a huge update to the flight computer which improves flight a lot, and hopefully no issue will keep it from merge, and will be in the next release. Which should be around August if we keep the half-a-year schedule)

Scout+ started as a mod, but then it needed binary changes as well, so it became a fork, a different version of Pioneer. As far as I know the last update was several years ago, and mainline Pioneer received lots of, polish and new features since then that are not present in Scout+.


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It lives! Like its cousin Oolite, which is also undermanned, dev-wise and forum-wise.

Oolite Naval Attaché

Pioneer Moderator
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For future reference, you can always see the actual progress of the game development in the Changelog.txt
I believe it would be a hard task to find a month with zero activity. Every single month, some tweak, bugfix, feature, or asset is merged.
