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Funded by Publisher

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Update from Kickstarter that they have been fully funded and from their blog below



Great news today!

It was finally announced publicly that we will be partnering up with Bandai Namco for GoD Factory: Wingmen!


Since November last year, we’ve been in ongoing negotiations with publishers. While we wished we could have done everything by ourselves, we were lacking the funds to guarantee that GoD Factory: Wingmen would live up to the vision we had for it.

I’ve been vocal about my reluctance regarding publishers. I still think that the best route, when it is possible, is to self-publish to ensure that the developers are reaping the rewards of their work. However, what we’ve learned throughout the years is that it’s much easier to be independent when you already have a following behind you. To build a large enough community to support a company takes time, dedication and a bit of luck. We want GoD Factory to reach its audience, and clearly we didn’t have the tools for that, as demonstrated by our kickstarter campaigns. Dealing with a publisher was thus the most viable option to both get the funds to finish the game and reach the audience that would be interested in it.

We’ve declined offers for which we didn’t like the terms, even when large amounts of cash were on the table. The deal we came up with Bandai Namco, quite frankly, what we imagined as a best case scenario. They’ve even shown some great support to our cause to reduce crunch time and other bad management practices and tailored part of the agreement around that. We made sure that we were in a win-win situation and ultimately, the biggest winners are our players. We won’t need to go through early access on Steam to reach a polished version of the game. We will have much better means to populate our servers and ensure you have a large user base to play with. We’ll have better means to offer customer support if something goes wrong. The game will get tested by a professional QA department before you get your hands on the finished product.

I wouldn’t have imagined that I would have signed a deal with such a behemoth when I founded the studio three years ago, but I’m very excited by this turn of events and can’t wait to see what’s next for Nine Dots Studio.

Coming up soon: announcement regarding the public beta icon_wink.gif?m=1129645325g


