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I-War 2 Video Walk-thru

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Hey guys.

I was messing around with Windoze Movie-maker, learning how to use the software, so I decided to use scenes from I-War 2.

The quality isn't perfect but it's my first time trying to use Windoze movie-maker.

The playlist is the complete Prelude - Act 0 with cutscenes. It's basically a video version of the gamefaqs walk-thru written by NReese.

I'll prolly go ahead and do the complete game through all the Acts, with Act 1 completing sometime next week.

Anyway Here is the playlist for Prelude Act 0

I didn't know how to embed videos on the site.

Let me know if you guys have any suggestions on how to improve the quality or tips if you have experience with Windoze Movie-maker.

Warrant Officer Registered
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Nice! Maybe after I see how you do it I won't keep getting shot down by total scrubs and ex New York taxi cab drivers. 😡

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Shant wrote:
Nice! Maybe after I see how you do it I won't keep getting shot down by total scrubs and ex New York taxi cab drivers. 😡

heheh.. the Prelude is the easiest chapter in the whole game.. the hardest part being the Junkyard Challenge.. 😆

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duh.. I just figured out how to embed.. 🙄

Prelude Act 0 - Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos

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I'd like to see what an extended battle looks like in this game. My 'technique' thus far is to die 3 or 4 times, thus learning what ships are going to attack me in my next attempt. Then, approach slowly, apply full power to weapons, and shoot at them first the next time. 😈 I'm pretty sure that's not how it was meant to be done. 😉

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Shant wrote:
I'd like to see what an extended battle looks like in this game. My 'technique' thus far is to die 3 or 4 times, thus learning what ships are going to attack me in my next attempt. Then, approach slowly, apply full power to weapons, and shoot at them first the next time. 😈 I'm pretty sure that's not how it was meant to be done. 😉

Which mission are you talking about?

Personally, I hate dying in this game because the only save point is back at Lucrecia's Base. Most, if not all, of the missions have multiple tiers, not to mention piracy is a hazardous profession, so I avoid dying at all costs, even if that means a tactical withdrawal! 😉

I'm working on Act 1 now, which is where the metal meets the road in this game. Lots of combat and piracy in Act 1 in order to upgrade the Tug into a ship that can make it through the harder missions.

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It was that cargo mission with the Belano. I kept getting toasted until I figured out I could target him, shoot first, ask questions later.

Yeah I was gonna whine about the saving issue too. It's especially brutal since you basically have to fly from one spot to another, ie no warping. Shame they would allow such a glaring flaw in the final product.

I've tried to run away many times in this game and it doesn't even seem possible because anytime you're by a space station, your speed is limited to 250 and they just pepper you with missiles up the tailpipe. How the heck do you flee in this game...succesfully?

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Shant wrote:
How the heck do you flee in this game...succesfully?

Turn off the "Flight-assisted" mode with the N key. Then hit the thusters and you won't be limited by the speed limits. AI ships will always fight in "assisted" mode, so it's easy to escape them by increasing your velocity. As long as you are not in "flight-assist", you won't lose inertia when u turn or if u stop pressing the thruster key.

Warrant Officer Registered
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So can you enter hyper space within station limits too, as long as flight assist is off??

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Shant wrote: helps to know that.

So can you enter hyper space within station limits too, as long as flight assist is off??

No.. the LDS drive is different then the sublight drive.. it's locked around stations and L-Points. You'll have an icon with an exclamation and dots in a circle. The number of dots is a graphical representation the distance you have to travel to get out of LDSI and enter LDS. However, flying without flight assist won't slow you down to 250 kms around stations.

Warrant Officer Registered
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Good deal, thank you mate. 😎
