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Group: Registered
Joined: December 14, 2009
Warrant Officer Registered
Remind me D1, did you pick up STO? I seem to recall you boug...

In forum StarTrek Online

14 years ago
Currently I'm going back to school to be an X-ray tech. The ...

In forum Political and World Discussions

14 years ago
That list represents such a small number of games out of the...

In forum PC and Console Gaming

14 years ago
LOL yes, I almost posted that one as well, re: Quote: (pri...

In forum Political and World Discussions

14 years ago
Ah, I see. Wow, they killed online play just like that? So a...

In forum PC and Console Gaming

14 years ago
Quote: WHAT DO I WIN? Nothing, as you skipped #65. All t...

In forum Political and World Discussions

14 years ago
This is a great topic mate, but honestly I can't tell if you...

In forum Political and World Discussions

14 years ago
So howcome you got banned from XBL, Geraldine? Unfortunately...

In forum PC and Console Gaming

14 years ago
You ain't gonna be disappointed mate. ME1 and ME2 are probab...

In forum FPS, Strategy and Tactical Scifi Games

14 years ago
So what did you think of this? I was kind of disappointed be...

In forum PC and Console Gaming

14 years ago
HA! So you finally got around to Mass Effect? I remember a y...

In forum FPS, Strategy and Tactical Scifi Games

14 years ago
Congratulations on your new 360. As I mentioned in another t...

In forum PC and Console Gaming

14 years ago
I absolutely LOVED this game. Do NOT, repeat DO NOT listen t...

In forum PC and Console Gaming

14 years ago
Totally agree with stardreamer. I've also had DSO sitting on...

In forum PC and Console Gaming

14 years ago
Hello Again everyone!

In forum General Chat

14 years ago
Can you get this game on PC? I didn't know Psygnosis made ga...

In forum PC and Console Gaming

14 years ago
Yeah I did continue with the mod for quite a while. I figure...

In forum Sci-Fi Movies and Television

14 years ago
Thoroughly enjoying Farscape, bullwinkle. Just thought I'd l...

In forum Sci-Fi Movies and Television

14 years ago
I'm a skeptic by nature and when somebody's trying to sell m...

In forum UFO's and Conspiracy

14 years ago
No world's big enough for the dark one...right my friend? ;...

In forum PC and Console Gaming

14 years ago
Bullwinkle wrote: I think that's why the Klingons call it "...

In forum Surveys and Polls

14 years ago
Hey d1, not to change the subject or anything, but have you ...

In forum PC and Console Gaming

14 years ago
I don't get it...what's the big deal with the curve? Nobody ...

In forum PC and Console Gaming

14 years ago
Yeah they did away with the vehicle this time for some reaso...

In forum Mass Effect Series

14 years ago
Thanks for that D1. Could you expound on this statement: "I ...

In forum Space and SciFi MMO and Multi-Player Only Discussion

14 years ago
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