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Joystickrequired (JSR) site decommissioned.

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Nothing last forever. Still a shame the main Jumpgate-TRI support and forum site is gone.

With it it has taken a lot of Jumpget-TRI resources with it. Or at least I found no info suggesting otherwise.


Only decommissioned note I found was on the "JStickRequired" page on facebook.


Makes one wonder how long "" might still be up and running.


(game itself seem to run nicely in Linux Mint + Wine now a days. ... No joystick though.)

This topic was modified 3 years ago 2 times by MvGulik

99 Star General Site Moderator
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Always a shame when we lose a long running site/forum, might be still accessible through the way back machine. 

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Well if anyone knows any owners of any space/scifi gaming site and they plan on shutting their doors SSC could lend a hand possibly, I have always been very open to saving communities and migrating or giving a space to websites or communities if they are in trouble.

I do definitely understand the cost of a website, does SSC pay for itself....? I would say yes thanks to donations. And I also purchase domain and hosting years at a time as well to lock in lower costs. But this stuff keeps going up every year so I definitely understand why websites close after 5,10,20yrs of being open. 

What's it been 13yrs now for SSC 😉 I need to make it too at least 20yrs .... so your going to be stuck with this big hunk of metal in space for many more years.

Looks like JSR was around a while.... definitely a shame. Looks like from their FB page they said this was going to happen last August. If I would have known sooner I would have reached out to them. But if they still have the forum database it could be saved maybe depending on the format of software they were using 😉

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> Wayback Machine - Internet Archive.

Works best/fine for backups of single pages. But for forum structures generally not so much. (and almost never for binary resources)


Some WB links, while I'm taking a peek.

WB history on JSR:*/

Last archived JSR frontpage:

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Yeah it looks like WBM only captures from a certain level, once DB access is needed to retrieve info like forum posts it doesn't work any more... looks like they were using Xenforo forum software which wpforo currently doesn't have a converter for, but you could technically convert the xenforo to like phpbb or something else and I could then convert it from there. But I would need the database and all admin account access to do so 🙂

I have watched many of my favorite sites close over the years and it was really what inspired me to create SSC because I got tired of surfing many websites looking for info when I can just compile it here with the help of everyone else 🙂

I had Jumpgate forums areas in the past but no one used them so I closed them down. If there was a interest and community behind I could definitely create another.

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Posted by: @sscadmin

I had Jumpgate forums areas in the past but no one used them so I closed them down. If there was a interest and community behind I could definitely create another.

I doubt there is a reasonable general interest in Jumpgate anymore to warrant that. Which is probably also why JSR closed down.

The general activity surrounding Jumpgate was never 'that' high, and has been declining for a long time. ... It is kinda old. 😉


looked around a bit more and found some available Jumpgate downloads at

(Only checked if the DL-links worked, which they did)

This post was modified 3 years ago by MvGulik
