To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
Hi all,
There's a realistic space simulator for mobiles on the App Store and Google Play.
Not sure if this is really your cup of tea (apologies in advance if not) but in case anyone is interested in a realistic simulator this is a good one to check out.
It's got the entire Solar System - all the planets and major moons - to explore. You can travel with free roaming spaceships,
or play traditional Apollo and Space Shuttle missions:
As the game is realistic so is the travel distances and time! But there is a time advance option to speed things up 🙂
While there is no combat element there is the entire Solar System for you to explore.
Anyone interested in this kind of game?
Nice find TaiBD. :good:
I have had a go st simple rockets on the PC but it's also available on mobiles.
Thanks! You're right, defo more for diehard fans of realistic space sims!