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Unknown - Elite clone for iOS

Joined: 55 years ago
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Dunno if this is mentioned elsewhere, but an Elite clone has been released for iPhone and iPad. It's called "Unknown" and from the brief play around I've had with it, it looks pretty good. There's a multiplayer option too and - best of all - it's free! You do need some prior knowledge of Elite though; the instructions are pretty sparse atm.

The web page is here and it can be found in the App Store here 😀

Crewman Registered
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Posts: 1

Hi, I was just going to post this myself but I see you beat me to it 🙂

Anyway, I developed Unknown -- if anyone has any questions or suggestions I'd be happy to hear them.


Captain Registered
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Hi Mike... you'll know me as EV from the Oolite IRC.

Oolite Naval Attaché

99 Star General Site Moderator
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Any vids of the game in action. don't have a an ipod thing.

Senior Chief Registered
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Woot! Just downloading it now! Thanks Mike!!

Senior Chief Registered
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Wow Mike, that looks like a pretty good conversion of the original game! My only issue is I was never any bloody good at Elite - i preferred the control system from Elite II. I'm keen to persevere with your one though - how do I accelerate??

Any plans to do something similar for Elite II? That vector look would probably be really nice and slick and still be ground breaking for the iPhone - no one's done seamless planetary landings yet in the mobile space.
