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Group: Registered
Joined: November 25, 2016
Captain Registered
I'm old enough, but FEII was never my thing. See my sig! And...

In forum Space/SciFi Combat and Simulation Game Discussion

1 month ago

In forum Space/SciFi Combat and Simulation Game Discussion

1 month ago
I love the backstory!

In forum Space/SciFi Combat and Simulation Game Discussion

2 months ago
Isn't the south pole region the place where water-ice can be...

In forum Outer Space and Astronomy

2 months ago
Again! And it looks like China's latest lander has made it d...

In forum Outer Space and Astronomy

2 months ago
Hey DC - is it ten years now?

In forum Space/SciFi Combat and Simulation Game Discussion

2 months ago

In forum Star Citizen

2 months ago
Hello user - good to see you here.

In forum Classic/Retro Space Games

2 months ago
A Python Mk II? I shudder to think of the hoops I'd have to ...

In forum Elite: Dangerous

3 months ago

In forum General Chat

3 months ago
<nods> NASA have probably lost the race already.

In forum Outer Space and Astronomy

3 months ago
I used to check every once in a while, and I'm surprised it ...

In forum Space/SciFi Combat and Simulation Game Discussion

3 months ago
I outgrew Doctor Who a long time ago. My favourite character...

In forum Sci-Fi Movies and Television

3 months ago
Yep! The cat and mouse games continue, in all sorts of ways:

In forum Pioneer

4 months ago
Like submarines? Read the story of HMS Venturer. She is ...

In forum Pioneer

4 months ago
Safe on the green desert sand? I was playing that track only...

In forum Pioneer

4 months ago
A legendary pirate radio station is to host a special three-...

In forum Pioneer

4 months ago
Sounds a bit naughty, does that!

In forum SSC Administration

4 months ago
Many thanks, D1

In forum Oolite

5 months ago
Yes, go for it. Couple of years back, I found an online seco...

In forum SciFi Books and Fan Fiction

5 months ago
<nods> Amended.

In forum Oolite

5 months ago
@sscadmin Hey D1... when you get some time, a new url needs ...

In forum Oolite

5 months ago
Pink gins all round - Cholly's buying!

In forum Oolite

5 months ago
Awesome! Back in the day, I re-registered my XP by phone, an...

In forum General Chat

5 months ago

In forum Oolite

5 months ago
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