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PS4 Cmos Battery

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Don't like the sound of this about the future use of the PS4 and I think it will also effect the PS5.

15 to 20 years for a Cmos battery, no idea where he come up that figure as mine don't seem last more than about 5 or 6 years.


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yeah I heard about this problem, sony is also killing the ps store for the PS3. you would think they could work around this issue with some software or a firmware update. We'll see what they do? hehe in the end its about selling the consoles they are probably thinking who is still playing their console after 6-7yrs when we have come out with 1-2 versions since then.

i have been a loyal sony customer since the beginning and I have to admit microsoft is hitting on all cylinders with supporting the new xbox. I might get another console soon and I am seriously thinking about the new xbox.


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Posted by: @pinback

15 to 20 years for a Cmos battery

Is that for Playstations only, or computers in general? For a PC, you'd be lucky to get 10 years.

Oolite Naval Attaché

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Posted by: @cody
Posted by: @pinback

15 to 20 years for a Cmos battery

Is that for Playstations only, or computers in general? For a PC, you'd be lucky to get 10 years.

No it was the guy in the video that quoted that figure but he might have been referring to Nintendo game carts.

Sony probably use some cheap batteries and it's a good example of inbuilt obsolescence by a corporation.  

I think the Xbox has a similar problem but it to do with needing to connect online to verify as it does not use a cmos battery in the Xbox.   

This post was modified 3 years ago by Pinback
