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Crewman Registered
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I'm decreased the effective_exhaust_velocity to make travel times more believable but it seems that autopilot isn't able to conserve fuel. It always manages to burn about 3/4 of the fuel before starting decelerating. Would it be possible to allow modification of autopilot - for example how many percent of fuel it can use for accelerating?

Senior Chief Registered
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Interesting, I have been doing much the same and have had no issue with fuel percentage use (acceleration burns just less than 50% by the look of it) but i have not tried in a recent build. I am still using a build from late October.


When you say decreasing the exhaust velocity, by how much are you decreasing it? I currently have the Deneb / Venturestar taking around 15 days to get from earth start to Pluto but I did have them as low as 30 days with no problem of fuel use.


The problem I face is that the autopilot pretty reliably smashes you into Pluto, this may be more an issue with the vastly reduced thrust I am experimenting with though.

Crewman Registered
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Tried with Olympus Mons and I arrived with a correct fuel reserve. It seems that it happens only with space stations - thrust burns most of fuel when flying to space stations (especially ones placed on moons) when it corrects course to their current position on orbit. Yeah, I get smashed into Pluto with reduced thrust too 😀 .

I reduced the exhaust velocity 100x.
