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Earth-like planets

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30 light years is nothing with my class 3 warp drive!!!


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well sounds fantastic, but

i have heard red dwarfs are very unlike to hold a earthlike planet.

the reason will be physics, stars with such a low mass will have the "habitable zone" very close to the star (because of the low energy),

but objects orbiting a star very close will stop to rotate (e.g. mercury) or rotate very slow, to slow to have a average surface temperature,

though there won't be very unlikely life, i was told.

but like i said once before, with the sentence above you can't make money neither you get famous.

a further extra handicap is our moon, with it's relative high mass compared to the planet (6th part), it slows down our earth immensive, without a moon with this mass,

the earth would probably rotate much faster as it does now, and we would have average wind speeds above 300km/h...

it's not enough just to have a planet in the "habitable zone", many other things must coincident before life, as we can imagine, can exist.


fit yourself a "17MW Blast Mining Laser" as a drive and you can go ~300LY and need no fuel 😉

now this hack works even better then ever.

open any savegame with a hexeditor and search for your ships reg. nr. (i.e. GS-1966),

it will appear two times, hang to the second instance and search a little below for a value betwen 0x34 (52, class1 hypedr.) and 0x40 (64, class4 military) for your drive, replace this value with 0x48 (72, 17MW blast mining laser), this seems to have the best relation between weight and a "faked" hyperdrive range.

[attachment=1144:Bildschirmfoto 2012-03-31 um 11.51.11.png]

don't get confused by the max. range, with every tonne of commodities it get's decimated.

fuel will cost you range, you won't need any. the size of tank for the propellant will give the range, but the faked drive won't use hydrogene neither water to jump.

disrespect the fuel consumption shown in the galactical map, as long as it's green you don't need a drop of hydrogene, no matter how many tonnes are written there.

just if you really like to have a very fast ship.

(btw. the numbers can (will) change sometimes with a new alpha as soon as there are new equipments to get numbered).

but, damned this galaxy is sooo deep and wide now...

we have ~400 sectors of thickness now for the disc (~4000LY, if one sector is 10LY in dimension) and it's still approx. 10 times to thin!

i mean, have you ever explored the thickness of pioneers galaxy?

30LY, thats like hopping from one grain of sand to the next.


a more legal way to increase the range.

you can have since a while more then one drive fittet to a ship and they will work together as one.

i have tested it with very large ships and you can increase the range, though i guess even for smaller ships it's possible to fit i.e. two small drives and to get a better range rather with one bigger drive (has to be proofed).

therefore you need to open the ships script and change the line for the drive,

if it's given at all it will be

"max_engine = 1"

this is default, so mostly there is nothing like that

enter now a line to the ship specs (i.e. below "max_missiles = #")

"max_engine = #," (number of your choice, but keep it low, it won't make sense to have six engines, i.e 2)

DISADVANTAGE: you will need the specified number of drives fitted to make your ship hyperspacing.

ADVANTAGE: probably a bigger range.

don't expect "magic", the effect will be very limited.

but makes extreme large ships to possible candidates, a "panther" can have a much better range with two drives rather only a few LY.


fortunately there is a lot of life in pioneer 😀

[attachment=1145:Bildschirmfoto 2012-03-23 um 11.20.09.png]

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Longest. Reply. Ever. 😉

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whisper979 wrote:
Longest. Reply. Ever. 😉

Not by a long shot... look at the rest of his postings (-:

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as usual

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whisper979 wrote:

30 light years is nothing with my class 3 warp drive!!!


Great so now all we need to do is abolish currency, develop some utopian harmonic governance for the intergalactic human race, develop faster than light travel(so that the people alive today don't miss out), and we're off! Don't forget your antigrav toothbrush though, cos the destination planet is 5 times Earths gravity.

My personal view is that (if we ever do travel to other worlds) the conditions will have to be pretty much identical to Earth, because we've evolved to live with a precise amount of gravity, air pressure, 24 hour day cycle etc etc. Unless you can replicate it all, or live in glass domes...

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A glass dome won't help with the gravity, and sleep cycles can be remarkably flexible.

We don't know what the long term effects of non-Earth gravity are on humans. We have plenty of data for 1G, and plenty for 0G, but apart from that all we have is the effects of a few test pilots for a few days on the Moon at 1/6G; data which is of insufficient duration to tell if it's enough.

The ISS was supposed to have a research module to test low gravity adaptation by organisms. Alas, it was cancelled in 2005.

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but helps with pressure and we can't breath argon 😆

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My personal view is that (if we ever do travel to other worlds) the conditions will have to be pretty much identical to Earth, because we've evolved to live with a precise amount of gravity, air pressure, 24 hour day cycle etc etc. Unless you can replicate it all, or live in glass domes...

I think you over estimate the human body to adapt. Its true that we need a specific kind of water, food, gravity, pressure, etc. but

the body can adapt to very harsh kind of environments. For example if we land on a similar oxygen and atmospheric pressure world but a 3 or 4 gravity

we could adapt to that. At fist would be hard and uncomfortable (and few may die) but give a few generations and viola we adapt. and who know give a few million of years and they could become a whole different species altogether.

your opinion?

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That fair enough, of course we would eventually evolve to whatever environment we ended up with. That is of course disregarding short term happiness if we have to wait millions of years while people suffer with chronic circulatory problems from too much gravity(just guessing). Don't mind a few dying? Send the biggest colony ship our planet can build, send as many people from as many different races as possible to make evolution quicker.

However.. Evolution is a powerful thing, yes. But, what is easy to miss is the millions of species that are extinct because they were not best suited to their evironment. Life is surprisingly fragile when it comes to radical change, and something like gravity could well be something that means extinction.

What am I saying? I have no idea. 😆

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By the time we'll be able to get to a place like that, we'll probably be able to genetically engineer ourselves.

Hmm, a proper dose of gamma rays... 4 g no problem for Hulk!

Seriously, if sublight is the only possible way to travel, then humanity could very well split into several different species depending on what environment they inhabit.

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Don't mind a few dying?

from far that sounds always easy

it would be be a good thing if humankind had a new goal...

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the new game starbound is putting terraforming elements into game could it be tied in here to create earth like habitate planets i think we already have terraforming technology and trade goods ingame is it possible to have some time - environmental impacts based on trade of such technology to terra forming worlds, lua system ?

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potsmoke66 wrote:
it would be be a good thing if humankind had a new goal...

You mean to say we had an old goal? Did we reach it?

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Beauty of open source projects is many can contribute form their own code, if one branch tries to restrict ideas and development they can simply be left to their own devices and many branches can develop. Terraforming remains a good idea and im sure others will submit code at some point and this thread is about earth like planets so leaving aside the cannots, will nots, dont do thats, i hate that idea are there any solid ideas about how earth like planets, terraforming and other things can work in game

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Ollobrain, there's a bee in your bonnet. This thread wasn't even about the game!

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Honey and insects ( bees ) as exports from earthlike worlds now theres a good idea afterall they are good pollinators and trade in species between outer and inner worlds would aide the spread of natures workers for outlying world agricultural products.
