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Galatic Exploration

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post pictures and info of the planets and systems your explored in your Pioneer adventure. explore the galaxy. learn about different governments and planets. most of all have fun. this is a branch off from my base of operations topic.

(side question, i cannot imagine someone building all these planets or even a group. i have noticed that some systems have the same name and i think i even seen two of the same federations. i was wondering if everything gets randomized so far out automatically made? or did some group really take the time to build all of this one planet at a time?)

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There's a core of some hand built systems, but still quite a lot of generated ones even close to the start locations.

Further out they're almost 100% procedurally generated 🙂

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There's a core of some hand built systems, but still quite a lot of generated ones even close to the start locations.

Further out they're almost 100% procedurally generated 🙂


i assume this means each game is different.

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Planetary Exploration


Ladeax 52,32,22. Mahol's Dream


Basic Info

Massive Highly Volcanic Planet with a Methane Atmosphere. And highly complex Ecosystem.

Mass: 2.816 Nearly 3x the weight of earth

Radius: 1.412 Verily Larger then Earth

Surface Temp: 39C 102.2 F

Surface Gravity: 13.842 m/s^2 Earth's Gravity for Comparison: 9.78033 m/s^2

P.D. 1.545 AU

A.D. 1.950 AU

Ecennt: 0.12

Axial: 5.8

Day Length: 2.8 earth days


Allegance: Stellar Horde

Government: Plutocratic Dictatorship (ruled by corporations)

Economic type: Entirely Capitalist (no Welfare)

Star port City's: Stoneton, Hoppertown.

Natural Satellites: 0

Man Made Satellites: Harper Outpost, Odannall.

System Population: Over 401Million



Explorers Details:


Mahol's Dream has enough Oxygen to supply a outdoor civilization. The Volcanic attitude of the planet makes it dangerous at times. The planet has what looks from space Large meteor damage however a closer look shows that these locations are volcanic points which surprisingly do not have mountains. The Methane level is not at a dangerous level despite covering the atmosphere. However buildings have to be open on good weather days and on bad weather days the homes must control the methane levels keeping the Oxygen levels above 21%.

The two Star ports. The planet has several major rivers with large Oceans. Smaller then earths however giving more then enough water for the ecosystem and colonialist. Despite being a farming planet, the major productions for the Planets resources are Medicines and Liquor. The Cheapness of Medicine here is the source of the Planetary governments excuse for not heaving any form of welfare or healthcare.

Stoneton: Stoneton is sit up near a major plain next to one of the planets largest lakes. The population enjoy's fresh water. And has a heavy farming community with some major industry.

Hopperstown: Hopperstown is closer to a more volcanic region however it enjoys a fresh water source as well.




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i assume this means each game is different.


No, every game should be exactly the same. Procedural doesn't mean random 🙂 otherwise the game would be inconsistent even as you explored it!


There are several seeds which go into various systems that are always the same, then the position of sectors is used as another part of the seed for generating star systems etc. The same seeds are always used so the same results are generated each time. That's why you can tell people about a cool planet / star system you've found, and then they can go and visit it in their own game.

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No, every game should be exactly the same. Procedural doesn't mean random 🙂 otherwise the game would be inconsistent even as you explored it!


There are several seeds which go into various systems that are always the same, then the position of sectors is used as another part of the seed for generating star systems etc. The same seeds are always used so the same results are generated each time. That's why you can tell people about a cool planet / star system you've found, and then they can go and visit it in their own game.

cool that will make this thread all the better.

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Has Anyone else ever land on a invisible planet?

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Invisible planet? You mean one you can see through or one that is very very dark because the star is far away/dim?

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Invisible planet? You mean one you can see through or one that is very very dark because the star is far away/dim?

see through.  i landed on a planet long before it started loading. i was wondering if anyone else has had slow loading difficaultys like that.

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You can turn the detail of the planets down in the options menu, generating full details worlds is very slow for some computers since it's all done on the CPU.

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Faphiur, 29,56,55, Barryworld


Barryworld, is planet with a majority carbon dioxide atmosphere, and a strong highly complex eco system, they are of course a outdoor farming world I will keep my report more to the important parts but add a little story.


Mass 1.413 Earth Masses

Radius 1.122 Earth Radii

Orbital Period 750.4 days

Day Length 4.9 earth days

Surface Temperature 43C 114F a.k.a ware lots of sun screen.

Surface Gravity 10.998 m/s2

Natural satellites 0

Man Made Satellites Feng Base

Starport citys Branch, Hall Starport

Population: over 223 Million

Allegiance: Dagger Kingdoms

Government: Communist Monarchy (rl Exm North Korea)

Economics: Centrally planned.


Explorers Observation:

Barry World looks like a perfect place. It has massive Oceans, great mixtures of Green forest, brown plains, and amazing landscape. The planet appears on the outside to have no rivers, however a closer view shows that there is massive waves of rivers underground feeding the ecosystem above. Famers and animals have learned to did up small ponds for there livestock which is the main Export at Barryworld next to Liquor. The water Caverns produce the cleanest water source in all of the Dagger Kingdoms something that the royal Family at Barry World are proud of.

However at the same time Barry World strips its citizens of many of the freedoms we can enjoy. The biggest being a freedom of a education and a elected executive branch of government. The government choices what job a person has and what is required of him to learn to do that job. The Government does however allow the freedom to leave which leaves a great deal of its civilians victims to slavery. (many are coned thinking they are heading to a more Democratic System, leaving the planet is a literal gamble) Despite Slavery being illegal and warranting the Death Penalty, it is the 3rd Major Export.

Unlike most Communist Systems only the Industrial wing and Political Wings have equal pay. The farmers which are the majority live based on how well there crops or cattle do that year. A bad year can be a literal death sentence to a farmer. Luckily the underwater source has never produced a bad year, unluckily there are other things Nature can throw.

The Planet has had some Meteor damage in the past, that looks like they were large enough to cause Xenocide a few times, however Feng Base Protects it for the most part from ever happening again.


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I like your idea, DevinJAM 🙂 When I find some time to play Pioneer I will surely post here some logs as you do. 

I have also a suggestion - I think you should edit your first post in this topic and include there links to posts that have information about any explored planet, because that way we will have some order here 🙂

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Anyone else out there given more thought towards some kind of in-game ship's log? There was talk "back in the day" about an autosave / permadeath style gameplay... I brought it up once or twice but I wasn't the first...

Even outside the actual gameplay usefulness of the feature it might be handy for troubleshooting things like terrain glitches, and a log would help with going over mission results to tweak things...

Hmm... maybe a flight recorder could be a piece of in-game equipment?

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In-game ship's log would be nice thing to have, but in my opinion only if it were to be synchronized with the main game server, so every player could access information about the places others have explored. Something like that was implemented in Noctis IV and was called INBOX.

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Beceio f

Sector coordinates: (-1,5,4)

Object type: Brown dwarf sub-stellar object

Equatorial to polar radius ratio: 1.000

Surface temperaure: 1287 C

Surface gravity: 416.323 m/s^2 (42.453 g)

Orbital period: 141.2 years

Periapsis distance: 25.956 AU

Apoapsis distance: 51.608 AU

Axial tilt: 26.2 degrees

Day lenght (rotational period): 7.9 Earth days


System information:

System type: Industrial colony

Government type: Earth Federation Democracy

Economy type: Capitalist

System number: 0


Explorer's observation:


Beceio is stable system with 23 major bodies and has only one starport - Key City on Wise's Misery planet (planet information below) orbiting Beceio f.


Major imports: carbon ore, metal alloys, plastics, computers, industrial machinery, mining machinery

Minor imports: liquor, water, robots, slaves, radioactive waste

Major exports: liquid oxygen, metal ore, fertilizer, medicines, consumer goods, farm machinery, hand weapons, battle weapons, narcotics, military fuel, rubbish

Minor exports: hydrogen, precious metals, air processors, nerve gas

Illegal goods: slaves, hand weapons, nerve gas, narcotics


Wise's Misery planet information:

Surface temperature: 73 C

Surface gravity: 1.130 m/s^2 (0.115 g)

Orbital period: 1.3 days

Periapsis distance: 821384.261 km

Apoapsis distance: 1027213.659 km

Axial tilt: 0.0 degrees

Day lenght (rotational period): 1.3 Earth days

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Ededwa, 29,56,54, Martins Dream


im going to be fast with this with almost no detail's. Why? Lets put it this way. I arrived out of hyperspace in this system on October 20th. I arrived at the planet after traveling through the system on March 28th. I had a package due one November 4th so im not happy about being that late. And I would suggest that you would not come to this system for any other reason then to see. It is a long boring ride.



Martins Dream

a tiny rock planet with no atmosphere. It is a Mining Planet.


Government: Communist

Allegiance: Dagger Kingdoms.


If you look up above at Faphiur, Barryworld, you would learn that many slaves are exported from there. Here at Martins dream is were a lot of them arrive. Martins Dream is under Faphiurs government. It shows that a great deal of those wanting to leave Barryworld are simply tricked into mining at Martins Dream. That is all. Avoid this planet!!!



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Anyone else out there given more thought towards some kind of in-game ship's log?


Not only thoughts. Actually, I have a work-in-progress ship log in my pipeline. Needs a bit of cleanup, but then I can create a pull request.

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hey im going to be returning to playing soon.  and will be back to adding planets. i will also be trying out some Mods and will post up new explorations with the mods.

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Great to hear that! I will also start playing again soon, so there are two of us, explorers 🙂


If I may suggest - I think you should start another topic with for example Galactic Exploration [Name of the mod] to put things in order.

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when i use a mod i will.  i dont know when i will start playing again for sure. i got  a Dos Mod that has kept me occupied, but im thinking about trying a hand at fan fiction with it and have some extra fun.

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i have been trying to look it up,  what is Surface Temperature,  is it the Average temperature, the highest, or the lowest?

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It's erm, errr, ah, um... be right back

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It looks like it's the average temperature of the surface of a planet (from the source code) as it's called "averageTemp" or "surfaceTemperature" interchangeably throughout the code and used to figure out what kind of atmosphere and volatiles a planet will have.
