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stupid speed comparison between a alpha31 with only my shitty animated LMR models and the latest release.


config left unchanged







while it won't matter, if i run only my models or the default ones for alpha31.

i expect, it's a opengl/shader issue, that's also because any other antialiasing mode except 0 won't work with alpha33 (it works for alpha31 i.e.)




that's how it looks with antialiasing mode 2, there is no real terrain to see and what's to see of it is never lit.

"fortunately" the framerate didn't sucks anymore... 😉

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Except that you're on a different planet and drawing vastly different amounts of terrain in each of those screenshots aren't you? One taken on Mars with no cities to speak of, the other taken on Earth at the start point.

Big differences in the terrain: 26 terrain vtx/sec vs 7593 terrain vtx/sec

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Hijacking the fred to say latest build is stupidly faster than the last one I tried


Way to go guys!

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Big differences in the terrain: 26 terrain vtx/sec vs 7593 terrain vtx/sec



obviousely, but it's only because it's so slow and building up the terrain is in process, while on the other screenshot it's already finished.

you can imagine that it will take "hours" if the framerate is 1/sec, thus this high number of vtx/sec, usually it takes a few seconds until it's down to some vtx/sec.



i tried a simple test and used the shader scripts from alpha31 in alpha33 and the problem is "solved".

means i can enable shaders and keep a acceptable framerate,

also antialiasing i can set any mode and the terrain is shown/build properly.


it would need some investigations to find out which shader script exactly is responsible.



Hijack whatever fred you like... welcome!

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i tried a simple test and used the shader scripts from alpha31 in alpha33 and the problem is "solved".


alpha 33 is now 5 months old, I would be more interested in a comparison with the latest version. 

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Alpha 33? I didn't realise is was an old version.


You mentioned shader errors but not what your system is so it's possible that it's running on the fallback shader support which is effectively running on your CPU not GPU 🙁

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Alpha 33? I didn't realise is was an old version.

We don't do alphas anymore, remember?

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@ Potsmoke, 


Old chap , seen you've gone away too loong , the alpha mode is obsolet . And I even I have to recognize that the sytem SGM made big progress.


i've make some comparison with Genesia (a31) and it's better since 1or 2 months.

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We don't do alphas anymore, remember?


I meant that I didn't realise he was comparing it to an alpha release at all! 🙂

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i remember the latest osx build refuses to run (wrong os, processor type)


i guess that's why i downloaded alpha33.

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Last login: Sun Sep  8 2032 on console

/Users/mecy/Downloads/pioneer-201309.27-osx/pioneer ; exit;

MacBook-Pro:~ mecy$ /Users/mecy/Downloads/pioneer-201309.27-osx/pioneer ; exit;

/Users/mecy/Downloads/pioneer-201309.27-osx/pioneer: line 11: ./pioneer.osx: Bad CPU type in executable







probably philbywizz can help?

i had the same problem in the beginning (with my macbook) for quite a long time.

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at least i can see what has changed if i run the latest build with "wine".

sucks, but i can check the models.

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what you see is the latest build running with the wine wrapper.


same issue here, first i thought ok it runs in a wrapper no wonder it's slow, but then i thought let's see...

and  it works better as expected when i use the old shader scripts,

if i use what comes with the build it sucks completely, whatever the reason might be.
