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Is there any guide to this game?

Crewman Registered
Joined: 11 years ago
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I have a noob question...

Is there any guide to this game, like a description of available equipment and how you use it. Little walkthrough on mining and such.

Warrant Officer Registered
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Take a look at the 2nd part of the green section , tutorial , controls , etc

Crewman Registered
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Yea I did went through all that, it was helpful but what I'm trying to find out is: radar mapper - what is it for and how do u use it, how do u mine and where, how do you join a fraction etc. None of that is covered in the wiki. Thanks for the response tho.

Captain Registered
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Radar mapper: click on a ship, and you'll get some info about it displayed in the top-right of screen.

Mining: Equip mining laser, fuel scoop and cargo scoop. Go shoot an asteroid and collect the bits that fall off.

Factions: You can't join one yet.

All of these things are work-in-progress.

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Posts: 299

There's a work in progress, unpublished manual on the wiki. It briefly covers some of the UI right now, but it grows. And after that, my next goal is to write more indepth and specific tutorials.

And while we are at it, if you, or anybody else has other questions regarding playing Pioneer, or this manual, please ask it. That helps a lot in writing these things, if I know what stuff needs what level of elaboration.

Crewman Registered
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Thank you very much for the answers. I really enjoy the game so far.

When it comes to equipment I found this It may be a really good idea, It doesn't need all the fancy drag and drop or pointers to the ship model but the short descriptions would make a whole lot of difference. Yesterday I was messing with weapons but it's a lil hard cause there is no way to know what damage they do, what's the optimal range, etc. 
