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Mouse Control

Warrant Officer Registered
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I can't tell if it's a problem since the SDL change happened or with a more recent version, I missed a couple, but the mouse controls have gotten worse. The cursor just goes invisible while holding RMB to point the ship and you still run into the edge of the screen, stopping the ability to turn along with it.

This is just another issue in the growing list of problems with the mouse interface... I can't tell if you can still accidentally click the menu options along the panel with the invisible cursor if you try to fire the guns with the LMB... I can barely fly properly so I'm not even going to try combat...

Sorry about the gripe with no solution... anyone out thee working on it?

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It's due to SDL I think, there was something about capturing the mouse that changed and I might have gotten it wrong.

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Yeah, fluffyfreak is right - something has changed in SDL2. I'll have a look at it today.

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It's ok, I'm just about to submit a PR with a fix for this, and the VS projects etc 🙂

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Merged and in the latest build. Thanks for saving me a job 🙂

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I havent had problems after the update to sdl2 but by now  i have a lot of problems with mouse controls, for flying and for move-rotate galaxy views, if i don't click exactly in the center of the screen ship heading go totally in a random heading and the same in galaxy view
