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and now for something complete different 😆

i guess anybody knows that it's quite popular to plot quotes at the beginning and end of tv series, isn't it?

i know there are millions of quotes you can find on the web, most are rubbish imo. and one quote of someone refutes the other.

but it happened that i stumbled over a collection of quotes which was collected by someone before wikipedia or internet like we know it now at all.

i found them on a amidisk and they was provided with a little proggy that plotted randomly a quote at booting.

well i wouldn't write this and neither present them, or had the idea to do something with them except to forget them instantly, if they wouldn't be fun to read.

the idea is obvious, i like to see a quote at start of pioneer.

i can't say if anybody else would like it, but i do so.

The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the

opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth.


it goes on in this style, i think they are at least worth to take a look at.

the file's here, check them out and tell me what you think.


and even if we never see them in pioneer, they will offer some good laughs or at least a broad smile.

Politicians should read science fiction, not westerns

and detective stories.


this one i really love

To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first, and call whatever you

hit the target.


no comment 😉

Laws of Computer Programming

(1) Any given program, when running, is obsolete.

(2) Any given program costs more and takes longer.

(3) If a program is useful, it will have to be changed.

(4) If a program is useless, it will have to be documented.

(5) Any given program will expand to fill all available memory.

(6) The value of a program is porportional to the

weight of its output.

(7) Program complexity grows until it exceeds the capability of the

programmer who must maintain it.

(8) Make it possible for programmers to write programs in

English, and you will find that programmers cannot write

in English.

SIGPLAN Notices, Vol 2 No 2

another one not included to terminate it

I havn't laughed so much since Pompeii


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The X series of games from Egosoft give a random, meaningless quote when you start them up. No idea why. It's not like any of them are relevant, or enlightening, or even interesting for the most part.

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i guess that's within quotes in general

when they get torn from the context, most are irrelevant or even worse, misinterpreted.

AND, not everybody must like it.

i know, it can get boring after reading them a second time, even if that didn't happen to me with the above ones.

i have read them often, still some tickle me when i read them again.

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"The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the

opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth.


Niels was likely taking about quantum mechanics there. That branch of physics is just totally crazy at the best of times 😕

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it's a very uncertain science, i guess.

i guess i posted once on frontier forums about a german astrophysicist, his name is "Harald Lesch", he's one that can explain the mechanics of the universe with a glass of water and a pencil. i like him much, no wonder we are aged nearly the same and both was heavily influenced by the apollo missions.

of course he dreamed as a child to be a astronaut one day, but he "only" made it to a astrophysician

(while i did made to "nothing" at all )

he's able to explain even quantum mechanics well, but wouldn't give a dime about it.

perhaps brianetta knows him already, if not it then it will be at least good for some german language lessons for him. 😉

german members of the forum will know him already i assume.

anyway to all of you who understand some german i will link the archive of "Alpha Centauri" here. ... os100.html

be warned he's no friend of stephen hawking (while i was googling for the proper spelling of his name, i saw why "stephen hawking believes time travel is possible?" you can't take such serious, sorry for my hard words, but it's popular science or even worse, just claiming some interest with freaked out statements, imho)

but of course attention to stephen is much bigger rather to any conservative astrophysician. the things they discover aren't very spectacular.

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The meek will inherit the Earth..... The rest of us will go to the stars.

That seems appropriate for Pioneer. 🙂 Great collection of taglines!
