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Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.

Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.


trying to run the latest build: pioneer-20200203_linux

New Member

Hi im trying to run pioneer under ubuntu 19.10 but i keep getting the following:

./pioneer: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Libassimp is installed, so not sure why this is happening, ive run ldconfig and everything seems ok.

cheers all


Topic starter Posted : March 7, 2020 09:58
Famed Member

Hi porph. Welcome to the SSC! 🙂 

I too have just tried to run the latest Pioneer build on Linux Mint, most recent edition, and I can't get the game to start either. The Pioneer dev team rarely visit the SSC these days so the best place to submit bug reports is either The Pioneer Dev Forum or Pioneer's Git Hub issue tracker. Hope that helps!

Posted : March 7, 2020 16:03
Famed Member


Thanks for the info there abelisto. I entered those commands in the terminal but got...

 There must still be some dependencies I am lacking with my Linux Mint install.

But thank you anyway for trying.

This post was modified 5 years ago by Geraldine
Posted : April 10, 2020 03:43
New Member

@geraldine  -- Sure hope you figured it out.  I got past the libassimp thing and hit another missing graphics library.  I'm in the process of installing all the graphics libs they recommend for build.  

1. Install the following libraries (with development headers) for your system.
If your system is not Debian/Ubuntu based, they may have different names.

libassimp-dev >= 3.2

That's probably overkill just to run it, but if "just run" doesn't work, then I'll need to do this to try a build anyway.  Good luck!

Posted : April 16, 2020 21:48
New Member

Follow up -- yup, that did it.  Note to other newbies (like me.)  Just make sure you have all the requisite libs installed and then try firing up the executable.

Posted : April 16, 2020 21:55
Geraldine reacted
Famed Member


Thanks for this! I'll give it a try with my Linux install. Would be nice if the dev team could please put together a package of dependencies the game needs?

Posted : April 17, 2020 01:52
New Member

@geraldine ... once I get my feet wet, I'll give that a try (unless a job finds me first.) I've got a long and sordid history of tech writing, software engineering, and QA.  A "quick start" tutorial should be doable.  -- I love open source.  Fun way to learn and be productive in between looking for a job or a gig or even just to avoid the family. 🙂

Just remember that muon and synaptic package managers are your friend.  Search on 'libass', click on the -dev package and it'll tell you all the stuff it depends on and mark those for install too.

If you don't mind my asking--

1. Which linux distro are you trying this out on?  I'm on kubuntu 18.04, and plan to move to 20.04 once packages settle down a bit.

2. What's your linux skill level, where 1 is "I know how to use the UI" and 10 is "I write and update PAM modules and hardware drivers?"  There can't possibly be a good answer to this.  I just realized I'm about an 8 in one or two places and a 2 in a lot of others.  LOL

3. If you have it running -- any clue why when I advance the throttle it sends me backwards and doesn't seem to want to go into forward mode?  (My mission for today is to figure that out and correct it.)

Posted : April 17, 2020 09:23
Famed Member

I am running XFCE Mint Tricia 19.3. Just a basic wee setup, nothing fancy so that I can make the best possible use of my system resources. This is my very first linux distro so my skill level is nearly zero but learning more as I go. I usually manage tho, to get things installed and running, but not this time. The main issue for me is finding then installing these libs, goodness this is taking me back to my Amiga days!

But please, don't feel you need to put together a package, my appeal was really towards the guys putting out the builds. But still, I, and many other Linux using Pioneer fans, would be grateful if such a package was bundled with the main build. Maybe Fluffy Freak or one of the other devs might see this thread and give their thoughts? In anycase, it's great you fixed this issue, the very core of what the Pioneer project has always been about.

Even me, total noob at coding, did many of the star system names in one of the early builds. I don't know if they are still in the builds anymore as it has changed so much over the years.

As for your throttle issue I'd need to get it up and running first to check. Could be some sort of mix up with how Pioneer interprets the signals coming from your controller. There might even be some code up on git hub to fix this or maybe even on the Pioneer forum itself.  Wish I could be of more help here, sorry.

However, this does in a way demonstrate the real beauty of the project as the source code is all there, so changes can be done if need be to enhance it if need be.

This post was modified 5 years ago by Geraldine
Posted : April 17, 2020 12:34
New Member
Posted by: @abelisto

If somebody still interesting

$ apt install libassimp4
$ whereis /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
$ sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/




I did the same but because of version mismatch. LOL. Though on Ubuntu 20.04 we are running by default.

It has been reported to dev forums on GitHub. They compile from a Ubuntu 16.04 version that only handle

I run into LuaScript problems and crashes after a while. Anyone else does?



Posted : January 25, 2021 14:31
Pioneer Moderator

@styx2909 As of latest release, we're compiling on Ubuntu 20.04, available here: 2021-02-03

Posted : February 7, 2021 14:28
New Member

@impaktor Sorry, but this is the version I use and it is... NOT the good one LOL, while I have downloaded the latest. I just noted by checking before replying to you. Going to test it right now.

Thanks for the help. 😉

Posted : February 13, 2021 09:10
Pioneer Moderator

@styx2909 The version I linked is compiled on Ubuntu 20.04, and will work on Ubuntu 20.04. If you cant get it to work there, an error description would be useful.

Posted : February 13, 2021 09:41
New Member

I just now downloaded and installed the required dependencies on Ubuntu 20.03 LTS, it works, but the problem is I HAVE to open a command prompt within the pioneer folder, then use ./pioneer to run it from within the terminal, it seems the 'pioneer' file is not an executable binary, it's actually a shared library file that is not executable, regardless of if the 'Allow to run' is checked.

Posted : May 3, 2022 20:46