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WANTED. Someone to help make Pioneer awesome. BEST PRICES.

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There's great ideas throughout this forum, and I love reading them, but its important to understand that Pioneer has only a handful of developers and we work on the things we're interested in. It does mean a lot of things move slowly or get neglected entirely, but it also has a positive - if you step up and get involved in then you're able to shape the bits you're interested in in pretty much any way you want.

That doesn't mean just code, either - there's heaps that can be done. We need models for everything. We need general graphics (eg control panel buttons, space station backgrounds, ads, etc). And if you have light coding skills and some good ideas, we need missions and other scripts. And of course there's the galaxy development (custom systems) work that we've been talking about recently.

Even if you don't have all the skills you need to get your idea or wish into the game, just doing some of the work and then hassling someone who can do the rest can work. The identikit faces have been done this way - Subzeroplainzero did the majority of the work getting the faces together, cutting them up and blending them nicely while s20dan pulled the code together to make it happen. I'm personally quite happy to assist in projects like that if you need help with the engine side of things.

I've been working hard over the last three weeks to make the Lua environment awesome and build in a few tools to make development easier. My hope is that by alpha 10 there will be a nice console so you can write and test scripts right in the game.

And even if you feel you don't have the ability to contribute to the game proper, there's heaps of stuff around the edges that would be a huge help. Testing is huge - we've had one chap appear in IRC in the last week doing lots of flying around. He's already found a few bugs that we've fixed. It really doesn't take much effort!

There's a big job for community involvement too. There's already a bit of it with people posting on the forums and helping each other out, but I'd love to see someone step up to handle bug reports and triage, for example. We need docs to help people get into the game - basic controls, getting started, how to fly, how to trade, etc. Nice graphics for the website would be sweet as.

There's heaps of other stuff too - just pick the thing that annoys you the most. And if you have some time and want to help but you're not sure what to do, feel free to ask me - I'll quiz you about your abilities and we'll find the job thats right for you. And you get your name in the credits, a ship/station/planet/star named after you, whatever you like 🙂

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robn wrote:
And even if you feel you don't have the ability to contribute to the game proper, there's heaps of stuff around the edges that would be a huge help. Testing is huge - we've had one chap appear in IRC in the last week doing lots of flying around. He's already found a few bugs that we've fixed. It really doesn't take much effort!

Speaking as one chap appearing on IRC in the last week doing lots of flying around, I have to say that it's delightful to find a development team that's this attentive and welcoming on IRC. It's good to be able to chatter with the devs, to get any assumptions I've made clarified or corrected, and to know which areas might be in more need of testing. It makes a lovely change from some projects with which I've been involved.

So, don't be scared to lend a hand, for the dev team is not scary at all. Except for Tom, very occasionally... (-;

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Here's what I'm working on currently. I'm not a programmer or 3D modeler, but I'm slowly learning, and its fun! Every idea I have leads to many puzzles to solve. It's really slow going sometimes, but you've inspired me to redouble my efforts. Come on everybody, step up to the plate! There's something here for everyone to do!

[attachment=650:spacestation stage3 00.jpg]

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AcesHigh wrote:
I would be interested in doing some building models, but I really didnt understand all that LUA scripting to put them inside the game.

Hey thats OK. I've helped a few myself who didn't know what to do. These days time is more precious so its unlikely I could find the time to script the lot for you, but I (and others) can certainly help you out with that, its really not so hard, its just a little daunting the first time. 🙂

Here's what I'm working on currently.

Nice 🙂

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Thanks! The point I'm trying to make is that even though I don't really know what I'm doing, and borrowing/stealing potsmoke's textures and adverts, I found a little something I could do for Pioneer. It gives me a wonderful warm fuzzy feeling to have my "work" actually added to the game. There's something here for everyone to do. Btw, I have many more ideas I'd like to put in spacestations.lua. It will take me awhile. It took me a week or so just to figure out how to mirror the texture on the walls!

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Its great how the community is coming together now. We are slowly getting a large list of contributors. You've done some very nice work with teh stations Marcel, and Geraldine has recently out-done me with her help on the new star-systems 🙂

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Just 400 star systems to go s2odan and that is not including the ones you did. Did 200+ tonight after I sent you my last list, but had to stop due to my eyes failing 😆

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Yay Geraldine! You go girl! 😀

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is there a polygon limit for individual buildings?

Nope, not really... providing you make use of the LOD correctly.

Star ports and other singular buildings could be very high poly with a decent LOD, but regular buildings should probably stick to being more simple as there will be many of them on-screen.

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I am willing to spend some time creating documentation for Pioneer. I designed the user manual for the Lotussim L-39 Albatros, an FSX payware add-on. You can download the manual for free from here: .

One of my fondest memories of Frontier/FFE was reading the manual and the short stories that came with the game.

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pebblegarden wrote:
I am willing to spend some time creating documentation for Pioneer. I designed the user manual for the Lotussim L-39 Albatros, an FSX payware add-on. You can download the manual for free from here: .

One of my fondest memories of Frontier/FFE was reading the manual and the short stories that came with the game.

Excellent. Check out the manual from GitHub and coordinate with me.
