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Indiana 5

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Looks like this maybe a go, which seems a bit incredible given that Ford is in his late 70s now, one interesting rumour is that Chris Pratt  maybe in it. If he is lets hope they do a book end story with Ford playing old Indiana telling a story about his younger days with Pratt playing the younger Indiana.

But given what has happened with other reboots/sequels, I'm not holding out for a great film.

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Oh I hope they finally do The Fate Of Atlantis this time around! Kingdom of the Crystal Meth was such a disappointment. 😔 

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Yeah I saw this come up on a release schedule I saw for Disney because Disney delaying a lot of its movie releases because of the virus. Looks like this might hit theaters sometime in 2022. I doubt Harrison would be in any action scenes since he will be almost 80 when this releases. But it will be interesting to see if they pass the touch well. Chris Pratt might be able to do this justice.

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Posted by: @geraldine

Oh I hope they finally do The Fate Of Atlantis this time around! Kingdom of the Crystal Meth was such a disappointment. 😔 


Fate of Atlantis is still the best Indy game, have been playing the Emperors Tomb on the Xbox but the controls are terrible and it has that god awful auto save.

Was thinking of playing fate but just noticed that the Staff of King on the Wii has it as an unlockable, if I can the bloody motion controls to work, I may use that version as I believe it's the talking version of Fate of Atlantis.  

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There is a team trying to get permission to release a remake..

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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That would be great since I have never played that Indiana Jones game before 🙂

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You can probable get Fate of Atlantis on Steam or GOG, but I would like to see a new game 

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All the Indiana games are on GOG.

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Played the Infernal Machine years ago and got stuck about half way through it, might give it a go as I have become stuck in the Emperors Tomb.

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And contender for the worst film title ever, has something to do with time traveller and has a CGI Indy running around in it, me thinks an approaching train wreck of a film.



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Oh good grief!

Oolite Naval Attaché

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About time Disney was broken up as it has far too much control over the media.

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Yes, it's a silly name but, I still hold out hope because...


 Could these be the "Dials of Destiny"? 🤔 

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Would be cool but let face it, it's Disney who doing it and as they have destroyed everything they have bought into in the last ten years.

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@pinback  Time will tell but if they used that old video game as a basis for the movie, the plot, and so the script, could have been worked out a lot faster than starting from scratch. Also CGI is at a level now they could make a convincing Atlantis. Even the soundtrack is worked out and what a cracker it was too. 🙂 

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Beats me why they did not just recast the film with a new actor and set it in the 30's with the Nazi as the villains, they could have just used Ford as a bookend at the start and finish of the film instead of dragging him out for another one.  

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Well, I think they will be flashbacks because I am sure I saw some 1940s era footage in the trailer. A CGI Harrison mixed with the real one set in the 60s?

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Why? 🙂 We all knew this was coming eventually. Mr. Ford is 80yro we all know this is going to be a CGI and Action-Double movie, the story could be okay, they are bringing back some faces from the original movies. But they waited too long ... 14-15yrs, they practically missed a whole generation between the 1st film and now.... kids today haven't even seen a IJ film.

I do wish this film luck and they give Indy a better send off than Han Solo 😉

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Indiana 5 is a science fiction television series created by J. Michael Straczynski and produced by Universal Television. It follows the adventures of a group of five people who are sent on a mission to explore the universe. The series aired on NBC from September 22, 1994 to May 22, 1995.

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Indiana 5 is a science fiction television series created by J. Michael Straczynski and produced by Universal Television. It follows the adventures of a group of five people who are sent on a mission to explore the universe. The series aired on NBC from September 22, 1994 to May 22, 1995.

That has to be one of the greatest bot post of all time, for making no sense at all.


This post was modified 1 year ago by Pinback

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They may have shown all the best bits in the trailer.


Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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This doesn't really excite me but I will but the IJ collection when they create it since I don't own the movies on BluRay yet. I would look forward to some of the cameos from characters from the past.

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Well, as a big Indi fan, I am worried about this new one after seeing this review. WARNING Contains spoilers and a drunken Scot. 😕 

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Luckily, I'm not a big Indy fan. Wollyhood - morally and creatively bankrupt!

Oolite Naval Attaché

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The critical drinker is seldom wrong.

Looks like the crystal skull is going to be the second worst indie film.

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