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Always love great animated movies.... here is one coming soon

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Here is another for you D1. 😉 

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Also, this, not a movie but a series you might well remember from your youth, fully restored!

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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I haven't seen any of these I will spend some time to watch these 🙂 thanks Geraldine

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Posted by: @sscadmin

I haven't seen any of these I will spend some time to watch these 🙂 thanks Geraldine

Check out the rest of Ulysses 31 on You Tube. The whole series is there. 😉


This post was modified 3 months ago by Geraldine

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Not seen Ulysses 31 since the 80s. 😎 

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A real blast from the past it is Pinback!

There is another, Gatchaman, although you might know it better as Battle Of The Planets. This is the de-sanitised Japanese version, as it was originally intended, with darker themes than the version Western audiences saw back in the day!
It can be found in pieces all over Youtube.

This post was modified 3 months ago by Geraldine

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Ulysses 31 has a really great vibe - mystical and strange. It's a pity it's a kid's show. I think some of people involved in this did the Daft Punk videos 30 years later?


This post was modified 3 months ago by classyk

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Can't say I thought much of Battle of the Planets when I saw in the early 80s so will have to have a look at the original Japanese version.  

Just having a quick google about the Daft Punk song and it seems that the video was from a Japanese film.

And I have to give StarFleet a mention, which was a Gerry Anderson style puppet sci-fi show from Japan, which I believe was called X Bomber their.  
