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Asteroid base buildling

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while testing internal studio testing build recorded this video, just a strolling in asteroid field near a huge planet, found a nice spot and start building base





registration for alpha will open soon, stay in touch

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More info would be appreciated 🙂

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hi McAule,


we are working on a space game named Antarix since last one year, you can find lots of details, screenshots, videos of its development here


i also sometimes update here too, but dont get much views, so i keep my twitter and indiedb updated.


its a space game where you mine, hunt, build (like space engineer, empyrion etc), combat with AI, and slowly build up power to capture planets, sectors, be a part of great wars. soon we are going to open registration for alpha registration to give some copies to player who want to play it in before early alpha and help in bug testing and also get some fun with it. 🙂


hope it helps.

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First thing popped in my mind during trailer was... Space, spaceships, future, sci-fi... and SMG's with bullets? I mean, come on, at least give us some lasers 😉

Apart from that it looks promising, I'll keep my right eye on this one 😉

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trailer? its actual game play.


anyway if i give a build with following features -


1) few ships to fly

2) asteroid mining

3) one planet landing and base building limited features.


do you think some one will play it.

Master Chief Registered
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My two cents:


Ships. More types of ships, ranging from drones, fighters, corvettes, cargo ships, to destroyers, dreadnoughts and capital ships like carriers, or even titans.


AI and economy management. AI drone swarms (mining, scouting, warfare), AI probes (scouting, spying), satellites (defense and communication), scouting parties (new asteroid scouting, base locations, resources ), close proximity patrols (police patrols, for contraband and smugglers), long proximity patrols (warfare vessels patrolling hot areas during war etc.), traders, civilians (npc), pirates and aliens? perhaps. Economy micro/macro management: automate mining posts and mining fleets, trading fleets with trading routes and exploration fleets? (anomalies, wormholes, alien signals etc.) Basically more of an empire building sim/arcade.


Additional features. Salvage shipwrecks, boarding enemy vessels, bases and outposts. Hijacking/hacking ships, stations and outposts. Being a pirate yourself. Shipbuilding and customization.


Of course people will play it, but everything is down to features and optimization of the game. To keep them interested and busy. Good example X3, while difficult at first, but once mastered it's a really rewarding experience.

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lots of stuff definitely, all of them are planned, but you can understand the scope of above, its huge. so right now what we are pursuing is a tech demo to go for steam and funding or getting a publisher, once we get that then we can start releasing it in increments (alpha releases, early access) and keep developing to implement above features. if you read the description in the indiedb post, you can find almost all those features are there.


hope for the best 🙂

Master Chief Registered
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Now that you've mentioned it, I had to check the indiedb, a lot of my mentioned features you've already planned, so that's good. As long as you follow the path and include those features you gonna do well, but don't forget, the only thing player hate the most is the optimization, no matter how good the game might be, if it's poorly optimized, you'll have lots of negative reviews. So optimization should be your top priority, then MP (everybody expect some sort of co-op, and multiplayer), then you can add features and last thing should be replay value for SP.

Overall, so far so good, keep up the good work guys and good luck 😉

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Now that you've mentioned it, I had to check the indiedb, a lot of my mentioned features you've already planned, so that's good. As long as you follow the path and include those features you gonna do well, but don't forget, the only thing player hate the most is the optimization, no matter how good the game might be, if it's poorly optimized, you'll have lots of negative reviews. So optimization should be your top priority, then MP (everybody expect some sort of co-op, and multiplayer), then you can add features and last thing should be replay value for SP.

Overall, so far so good, keep up the good work guys and good luck 😉


i am getting 60 FPS in both space and planet with [ Nvidia 750 Ti ] which think is a fairly cheap card. i dont know how busy you are but if you have time to play can arrange a dev copy to play along by this saturday.

Master Chief Registered
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Sure, I could do some testing if you want, I'm currently doing some be testing for a different game atm, but I can find some time to do a test for you guys too. Also best way to get feedbacks is to put a game as a demo. Not only for subscribers on tweeter but by putting it on gamershell, indiedb etc. The more access people have to the demo the more feedbacks you'll be able to collect and the more you know how your game fares on different software and hardware combinations.
