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To all SSC Station occupants

Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.

Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.


Floating Hanger

Trusted Member

Here is my newest model,




Topic starter Posted : March 21, 2010 17:09
Illustrious Member Admin

Looking good Chebar. You probably want to stick more of a bottom on that model because it seems a bit under armored πŸ™‚

Posted : March 22, 2010 04:02
Trusted Member

I was thinking about diong something on the bottom, but I'm not sure what.

Topic starter Posted : March 22, 2010 04:54
Trusted Member






Topic starter Posted : March 29, 2010 02:26
Illustrious Member Admin

You can definitely see the improvements and all the fine detail work you have been doing. Having any ideas on how to texture this? Be great to see it colorized and maybe with some lighting πŸ™‚

Do you plan on putting any defensive weapons on it or will it rely on its shields?

Posted : March 29, 2010 05:07
Trusted Member

If Miner Wars wants it, i wont be putting any weapons on it. but if they don't want it I might put some on for fun. As far as the texturing well I've run into a small problem. It doesn't look like I can use blender to texture it, so I'm looking for a uv mapping program. So far I've played with two programs and I think I've got one that will work. I just need to buy it.

Topic starter Posted : March 29, 2010 05:22
Trusted Member


Topic starter Posted : March 29, 2010 09:49
Trusted Member

here is an update on my hanger,



Topic starter Posted : April 7, 2010 18:06
Illustrious Member Admin

Besides the skinning Chebar did you add anything else to the model? It's hard to tell because it is dark. I like the inside on the walls. Chebar have you figured out how to make like a metallic looking texture? That would look perfect on the outer layer.

Posted : April 8, 2010 04:08
Prominent Member

You should just download some free textures from the internet instead of trying to come up with your own. It will make it much easier for you and also allow you to spend more of your time on editing the model itself.

Posted : April 8, 2010 06:58
Trusted Member

I've tried to use textures that I've download but they don't look right. UV mapping is driving me crazy. I've tried a few different ways in blender and they all come out the same way. Maybe I need to read more about uv mapping. I've work on this model every night atleast 3 hour per night and I'm not getting this texture where it needs to be. Maybe I should take some classes on it. I'll keep trying to get this model looking better, it took me a few models before I got one that the Devs liked so I'm expecting my textures to be the same way.

Topic starter Posted : April 8, 2010 16:21
Illustrious Member Admin

There has to be some vimeo or youtube videos on UV Mapping out there that are pretty good. Ever find yourself any good free UV Mapping programs Chebar?

Posted : April 9, 2010 04:23
Trusted Member

I have found out that as far as uv mapping goes, blender has one of the better ones built in already. So now I just need to learn how to use it.

Topic starter Posted : April 9, 2010 13:01
Trusted Member

I think I finished it,





Topic starter Posted : April 12, 2010 05:53
Trusted Member

just for fun, This took forever to upload to youtube. Does anyone know of a good file converter I can use to take this from a raw avi to something more uploading friendly.

Topic starter Posted : April 12, 2010 17:09
Illustrious Member Admin

I'll watch the video when I get home, work blocks youtube πŸ™

Getting better with the textures and you might want to try this software out for encoding avi to flv:

Posted : April 13, 2010 04:48