To all SSC Station occupants
Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.
Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.
Anyway guys , if u dont think the 3001SQ RED EDITION... is the antagonist of No mans Sky ..i have more more better than (imagine the new antidote to cancer named "No mans Sky" ...) and check out this :
Also check the live Forum before Alpha :
Faceof... 😎
Hmm big project here MMOG, lots of art and wallpaper images but until we see a vid or more in-game shots I have to wonder. This looks to be a huge project for a 16 person dev team and they are using UE4. I hope they get that alpha out in 2016 like their website states. Good find Faceof.
Me too i hope to start the Alpha in 2016 and maybe select more players for testing and ty :yahoo:
Faceof... 😎
Dual Universe at E3 PC Gaming Show...
More in new Dual Forum with full video of E3 and interview of Novaquark's CEO Jean Baillie :
Faceof... 😎
I just learned of this game today. Looks awesome!
A new video was released just 2 days ago. I'm getting more and more excited about this project. I do hope they'll put some distance between planets and moons though.
Not sure if anyone follows TheXPGamers or Captain Shack ... but he got an interview with the developer, generally Shack doesn't seem the sort to BS his audience so for me at least its sounding abit more credible and promising.
This looks really ambitious that is for sure and if they can pull it off it will be really the first game that is totally player controlled. I do like the fact that the devs are just creating the framework and allowing the players to do everything else. Can prove to have some epic wars for territory later on in the game.
DUAL UNIVERSE Kickstarter will launch on Wednesday, the 7th of September 2016!
Faceof... 😎
Dual Universe :: Civilization Building Sci-Fi MMORPG
Faceof... 😎
Looks like they are off to a good start but €500K is going to be a big mountain climb.
Hi y'all,
Wanted to make sure you guys got wind of Dual Universe, i have been following this project for quite a while and i like what i'm seeing so far.
Chris Roberts: Note from the Chairman
Dual Universe:
It is always nice to see developers supporting each others.
Not doing to bad as they are over the €300K mark and still have 23 days to run.
Looks like it on track to hit it's funding goal with about 130K still to go and 14 days to get it.
Vid from back in Aug about some Announcement for the game which boils down to 1 they are giving all kickstarter backer access to the game, two years after the Kickstart. 2 They have a NDA in place so you can play the game but talk about it. 3 They have more money for it. They have also posted a roadmap for the game
Wow, alpha 1&2 phases will be some huge content leaps in the game and truly make it playable and this is in the next 6mos. I will be interested in seeing some alpha1 videos to see if I might purchase this MMO. Star Citizen is taking forever and performance is still an issue.
New vid for the game, with a disclamer, "VFX in the video are for video cinematic and artistic purposes", and they are having a new crowd funding on the website
Hour long gamplay footage from the Alpha with commentary from the devs.
Audio pod cast from the devs.
Short vid sowing some of the new feature for the upcoming build of the game
Dual Universe is coming along nicely and will probably be out a lot sooner than SC 🙂 I am really interested in the scale and user load, because I thought it was advertised that everyone was going to be on one server/instance (no realms or shards) which this would be great I just wonder how it would play with a few thousand people in-game.
Pod cast 2 out for any one following this.
Alpha 2 launching on July 11th according to the vid.