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Squad Wars Update

Senior Chief Registered
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If none of you have seen it yet I'd suggest you sit down before watching it and for those of us beyond the age of 35, perhaps some incontinence underwear . . . . ... ncept.html

I'm sad but I could watch that for hours.

Senior Chief Registered
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I don't think Squad wars got funding but it shows that at some point in the future what we could have.

Those graphics are amazing.

Twitch based MMO with ultra large galaxy how long?

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Oh Squad Wars looks great its just hard to get a F2P MMO through Kickstarter. I think if this would have been a SP/MP game it probably would have made it to the funding goal.

Crewman Registered
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Squad Wars is an upcoming free to play sci-fi MMO where you command a squad of spacefighters to fight against other real-player-controlled squads across the galaxy. From the name of <a href="""new game Zynga Elite Slots, we can get a lot of info about this game. It must be published by Zynga and it must be a social game. Now let us go to MMOWood to read some deep reviews.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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There main website shows no new info, forums not working. But on End Games site it does show a possible release date on Jan 2013...? So I guess only time will tell.
