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Squadron 42 separate game from 14 Feb

99 Star General

 As the thread title says.



At the December livestream, we announced that Squadron 42 and Star Citizen will be split into two separate packages in the near future. To update on this: the split will occur on February 14th. Squadron 42 will be available as either a stand alone game or an optional addon for Star Citizen rather than be included by default. If you want to lock in both games for the lowest possible price, consider pledging before this deadline. You can learn more about Squadron 42, our thrilling single-player adventure.


Can't see anything about how much it will cost you.

Topic starter Posted : January 30, 2016 22:43
Prominent Member

It's quite steep for something, we won't be playing for at least a couple of years, but what the hell. I am thinking of getting it!!! 

Posted : January 31, 2016 02:14
99 Star General

The only price I see is the bundle price and if you already bought into Star Citizen then you will also have access to Squadron 42.


I expect to see it this year but then again who knows, I would like to know if they are going to release it through Steam and will we be given Steam keys?.

Topic starter Posted : January 31, 2016 03:33
Illustrious Member Admin

Squadron 42 is going to be an episodic type of game because I think the actors are contracted in for the next 1-2 yrs. And I think kickstarter and website sales of SC up until now grant you access to the first episode. They haven't released any details as to if original backers get the entire game when finished or just a few episodes?

But for a person that loved the WC games I think this is more of a must buy than SC in some aspects 🙂

Posted : January 31, 2016 05:51
99 Star General

Oh god I hope it's not going to be episodic.

Topic starter Posted : January 31, 2016 07:54
Illustrious Member Admin

Here is a current thread that seems to discuss it in their forums but I don't think RSI has confirmed it for fact yet

Posted : January 31, 2016 11:09
Reputable Member

It's hard to say what I think of this, I guess I'll have to see the pricing first.  It'd also be hard to say without having a firm idea of how much content is in Squadron 42.


On one hand this could be terrible.  I'd be willing to bet that pricing both at 60$ would be a disaster.  Nobody would buy them other than people who have already pledged (a problem they may be facing in any case).


On the other hand, if Squadron 42 is light-weight enough to be priced at say 20$ or 30$, it may turn out to be quite a good idea.  Gamers who are less interested in space-sims may consider Squadron 42 a good deal, and some of those may like it enough to buy the full game, which I'm assuming would still be 60$.  If they have even half the content they are promising, it would be the sort of pricing that most would probably consider fair for other games, although most people who have not already pledged for Star Citizen will probably not consider it fair because of all the hype.


In reality, to be safe they'd probably have to price both very, very low.  The reason being quite simply that they have undoubtedly already saturated their market.

Posted : January 31, 2016 13:44
Active Member

My god how about just getting the game released, $100 dollars and so far all they have is some really good demos and some nice 3D ship models. 

Posted : February 1, 2016 01:48
99 Star General

Bit more about the spit here


Still don't see anything official about it being split into episodes, maybe people are just getting confused with what maybe just long term plans for future DLC for the game.

Topic starter Posted : February 12, 2016 20:13
Reputable Member

The split doesn't affect people who have already pledged.


It's just to give people more options in the future.

Posted : February 13, 2016 05:33
Estimable Member

Oh god I hope it's not going to be episodic.



Me too. It's not a graphic adventure, it's a space sim, an episodic space sim sucks!

Posted : February 13, 2016 23:42