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Chase Perk and Chase

Warrant Officer Registered
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After fixing my savegames (see other thread), I went to a planet, and guess what: The Chase Tutorial came up!


The Chase Mode works



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You need to use the image box the one which looks like a box with tree in it and then paste in the URL.


If you use a site like photobucket use the direct link in the above box.

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An URL ? what URL, I have entered the image path, but it will show text only. I have media streaming activated for the path.

Sorry for my ignorance, but I have yet very RARELY put screenshots in any of my posts, also the procedure is not the same on every site.


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Upload the image to the gallery here on SSC then click on the the option box/share links then copy the image link into the image box.

Just did it with this Deathwar pic.



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Here are the interesting sequences for the Chase Mode:

After enabling the Chase Perk, at some point, you get this tutorial:



Notice the round symbol on the left: This means Chase Mode is available, but not yet active:



To activate Chase Mode, you must press F and activate it with F4, after which you can switch to your current target with N. You will then see an orange reticle near your target:



Chase Mode in action (notice the text on the left):



To quit Chase Mode, hit F and select disengage with F3:



Ok, basically that's it.

You must first activate the Chase Perk before being able to use the Chase Mode!

If despite of that you don't get the Chase Mode available (picture 1 & 2 above), do Savegame cleaning as explained in my post "Game Crashes (Solution)".


The question is now: will this feature appear on a regular basis, and when? what is the trigger? After passing the tutorial, it should be proposed like any perk feature with a yellow symbol in the center of the screen when you have an enemy ship selected. You will have *very* little time to notice and select it. I still have to investigate that.

Have fun with The Precursors,




For the x time, I will have to update my thread about the ideal install of the English Release 1.0 (from Gamersgate etc.). The changes will be:

- It's now possible to use all files from the 1.1 patch if the ATI FIX is applied based on the procedure in the readme of Wesp5's Unofficial Patch 1.7 and all superfluous CACHE files are erased (both in the game and documents folder)

- Added the fix for game crashes due to corrupt game saves.


99 Star General Site Moderator
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Excellent work Xenons that the first time I have ever see the chase mode, is it still working in you game?.

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Yes, but I have changed the Precursor.exe and cleaned the cache files, it re-appeared together with the tutorial. I was able to use it, but it doesn't seem that W and S to get nearer to the ship and maintain the distance is working very well, all in all there's not big a difference. Still it has to pop-up without the tutorial which I've never seen.


In the meantime, I was able to locate the cause of the memory leak and framerate drop: it's the vital.dll and VEloader.dll from the russian 1.1 patch, you must use the ones from the English 1.0 release.

For what I know currently, which is subject to change 🙂 , the best possible install is:


English 1.0 + Wesp5 patch + russian sound files + start the game and make video option changes, save + quit (very important) + copy over game.dll and game_space.dll from Trivium's fixed 1.1 patch (not the russian ones!) + copy over game.pdb and game_space.pdb from russian patch.


DON'T do this:

Don't use the Trivium Precursors.exe, you cannot use the flyer.

Don't use the vital.dll, VEloader.dll from the russian patch, you must use the English original ones.


As you can see, it's a complete soup, but it should help 🙂



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I cannot get the Chase mode (nor its tutorial) even after the cache cleraing as mentionned on the other post.

Therefore I deduce that Wesp5' patches are absolutely required for it to even show up now and then (I understand from this post and another that getting it to work is unreliable even if it worked once).

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Yes, although it pops up now and then, the Chase Mode is broken, as some other Perks as well.

