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How to buy Precursors

99 Star General Site Moderator
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Ok if you want to get a copy of the game there are only two ways to get the game.

1 E-Bay .There a guy on eBay who sell the disk copy of the game, note this is most likely a pirate copy of the game (and it one of the best pirate copy of any game I have seen ).There also the possibility that genuine copy of the game will show up eventually ,you will know the real one as they should have a manual with them as most pirate game don't come with a manual .

2 The game can be download from this Russian game site

A few have managed to do this and you can find some instructions on how to do it on the Deep Shadow forum here.

Warrant Officer Registered
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Looks cool, does it work with Windows 7 and Nvidia cards? (Alot of games have issues if the two are combined. Dont ask why.)

After hearing about the bugginess, plus the english patch being.. incomplete, Ive had nothing but reservations.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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I have been holding off myself for further english patch developments and for Pinback's review 😆

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Don't know about Window 7, Nvidia card seem to ok although there was a problem with Ati cards for which there is a patch. Must get back to playing it unfortunately real life has get in the way the last few weeks. 🙄

Warrant Officer Registered
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It looks like a great game, but if its buggy to the point of being unfinished, I have better things to do with my time. (I.e. Evochron/Frontier.

Will definately wait for pinback's opinion.

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1 E-Bay .There a guy on eBay who sell the disk copy of the game, note this is most likely a pirate copy of the game (and it one of the best pirate copy of any game I have seen ).There also the possibility that genuine copy of the game will show up eventually ,you will know the real one as they should have a manual with them as most pirate game don't come with a manual .

Are you sure it's a pirate copy?

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IronHound wrote:
It looks like a great game, but if its buggy to the point of being unfinished, I have better things to do with my time. (I.e. Evochron/Frontier.

It's unfinished in the way that a sequel was planned, but it isn't really that buggy compared to the size of the game. I could finish it fine...

99 Star General Site Moderator
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Are you sure it's a pirate copy?

Yup I reckon it is, I don't think the guy on eBay is the making them more than likely he get them from the market or some where then just resell them on eBay.

I agree with Wesp5 the game not that buggy the only major problem I've had is using the meks on Reandore where the game would crash back to the desktop otherwise there only been the occasional crash. But I would definitely say that there are a number of game features which have not been finished or turned on. None of them are game killer just more of an nuisance like escorting a freighter only to be flown into a planet at the end of it.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Could modding fix some/most of the issues or do you need to have access to code to fix some of the issues? I know with the translation pack wesp5 worked on the game is very playable now. It would be great to be able to see part two and we will probably never see it if people are openly pirating the game on Ebay. 🙁

Deep Shadows I will gladly host a store for the game 🙂

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Darkone wrote:
Could modding fix some/most of the issues or do you need to have access to code to fix some of the issues?

I don't know. I haven't found out yet where mission info like coordinates etc. are set...

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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I have looked everywhere and I cannot seem to find this for sale any more? Is The Precursors considered abandoned now?

I can't find it on ebay/gamersgate/amazon... even the Russian sites don't have it.

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Some will have the copyright for it along with Boiling Point, White Gold and what ever else Deep Shadow made and I think theirs a good chance of all them appearing on GOG at some point.


It was still being sold last year so I would not consider it abandon ware.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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Looks like Precursors just showed up in a bundle and you can get it for $1

Will be getting this 🙂

99 Star General Site Moderator
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So I was wrong in the other thread as the game has made it onto Steam cost about a tenner but anyone thinking of buying be aware that the game is now nearly ten years old and judging by the comments still has all it bugs.Put it on your wishlist and wait for a sale.

99 Star General Site Moderator
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I believe that we still have all the patches for the game in the download area, although how you use them with the steam version I don't know, also I see that Wesp has also been active so their maybe some updated version of the English translation patch.
