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ED abandons console version

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So Frontier has given up on the console versions of the game Odyssey Console Development Update - Elite Dangerous: Odyssey although the console versions will receive critical updates.

Given that the game is about 8 years old now and IIRC they said they were going for a ten year life span, the PC version may not be around much longer.

The game has never reached it full potential, given what was promised in the Kickstarter and what has been delivered in the last 8 years, although I would say that the game has gone from wide as ocean, deep as a puddle to bland. 

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Posted by: @pinback

IIRC they said they were going for a ten year life span, the PC version may not be around much longer.

I seem to recall that too, and I think I recall DB saying when the game reached that point, they'd probably open-source it.

Oolite Naval Attaché

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I think it was if the online game was to close then they would make it so that it could be played offline, but I think that may have been just said to deflect some of the flak they were getting, when they announced half way through the Kickstarter that ED would be online only. 

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You may well be right, Pinback. My memory ain't what it used to be!

Oolite Naval Attaché

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I have Elite Dangerous but never really got into it, and I didn't like the fact that items/features from the original kickstarter you had to pay extra for in their expansions. It would be nice if they are going to conclude development soon that they try to add standalone play as well that doesn't need a online connection or login to a server.

I could almost agree with them on a 10yr lifespan is plenty for a game for patches/features, I just hope they close the project with giving fans some nice features or like Cody mentioned try to release the source and let the community do it for them 🙂


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I think it would be very unlikely that Frontier/DB would do anything if the PC games was to close given some his comments he made in the past about copyright and the sulk he took with Bell when he released Elite on his website back in the late 90s. 

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It's ironic in a way. The advent of the console port (a deal with microslurp = $$$$) was partly the reason exploration got dumbed down, which was the final straw for me. Jump, tank, honk, jump, tank, honk. I've said it before, but it could've been a real humdinger of a game if they'd gone for single-player only, and poured all those thousands of dev hours into the game itself, rather than into making multi-player work.


They got some things so fuckin' right: the flight model, the docking, the visuals, the ships, were all terrific!

Oolite Naval Attaché
