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Elite:Dangerous videos

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I am positively itching to get my hands on the Alpha, I feel all impatient and excited like a child just before Christmas 😀

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 For example, in the original ELITE, an Anaconda is 75m x 60m x 170m (approx 2 & a bit times bigger than a Cobra Mk III), yet has 37 times the cargo space...

Legend has it that the Anaconda's cargo capacity of 750 was a coffee stain-induced typo - it should probably have been 250.

Oolite Naval Attaché

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Legend has it that the Anaconda's cargo capacity of 750 was a coffee stain-induced typo - it should probably have been 250.

Also, thinking about the original dimensions of the Cobra Mk III - you'd struggle to land it in a football stadium, it's that BIG, and only 20t of cargo space as standard?


Back in 1985, I did not care about such details, I just wanted to blast away at the pirates 😉

Thinking about it, I still don't care that much, and I still just want to blast away at the pirates. Nice that Frontier are taking 'realism' or 'pseudo-realism' seriously though - it all adds to the immersion and richness of the game.

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The original BBC Elite ship dimensions were in feet, not metres - so you could probably land an Anaconda on a football pitch.

Oolite Naval Attaché

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The original BBC Elite ship dimensions were in feet, not metres - so you could probably land an Anaconda on a football pitch.

I was looking at the Oolite ship chart 😀

Yes, dimensions in good old imperial feet makes sense, and youd could probably fit a few Anacondas on a football pitch...

Crewman Registered
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Looking forward to Elite. Been waiting for this since my days playing with my Spectrum 48K and Amiga. 🙂


Each time I see a new video it just makes me more eager to play.

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Alpha Scenario 4 - Take out the Federal Patrol Wing


Senior Chief Registered
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I've been very impressed with the clips that have made it out. Plus I am told you can switch into newtonian flight dynamics. Saw a video of someone who was a real pro already. Should be good for all those evochron mercenary guys/ vendetta online and elite 2 diehards

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Bit of a short Dev diary about muiltiplayer for these who like that sort of thing.


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Pew-Pew LAZORS!  😀


Really looking forward to this - will post thoughts when I have had a go.

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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I haven't been watching many of these videos, but I had to comment on that hull damage indicator (friendly/foe). That is probably the best visual representation of damage in a space game yet to a ship. A+

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I'm deliberately not watching any of the vids, so when I get my hands on the Beta-2, it'll be fresh and new (and virtually complete). I prefer to dive into the deep-end with a game, so I'll learn it from scratch, and be ready for the Gamma release - then it's onward and upward!

Oolite Naval Attaché

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Some FFA action, and the Bee Gees!

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New diary for the game about Alpha 3 stations. 😎



Hope their is a keyboard command for the landing gear.

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Long play video from Frontier of the single player mission in the Alpha.


Rear Admiral Registered
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That video reminds me, I musk ask Mark if he would like to drop by here and say hi.


EDIT: Stormprooter? You soooo need a little disco glitter ball on your dashboard for that video!

Warrant Officer Registered
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I notice Stormprooter got a question answered on one of the Twitch videos 😀

You look good through a crosshair.

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A flashy trailer for E3 - almost cinematic in style.




Damn it - why can I never get a vid to embed!

Oolite Naval Attaché

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Damn it - why can I never get a vid to embed!


You should be just able to copy and past a YouTube link straight into the forum and it should appear.


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This is a rather cool vid - one of the first I have watched, as it happens.


Oolite Naval Attaché

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Couple of small vids.



Senior Chief Registered
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Well tried several time to sign on to my ED account & no connection to server ?

Anyone else having these type of problems today? More than likely server is overloaded

with influx of new players, but thought I would ask lol.



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The server was down most of the afternoon/evening as they got Beta 1 ready for release. Now it's live, the servers are getting hammered by thousands of new (and older) players wanting in. Not me though - I'll wait a week or two!

Oolite Naval Attaché

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I only just started installation & download for Standard Beta 1 ED. I will see what happens tonight after I have finished work.

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Beta release trailer - looks pretty good!


Oolite Naval Attaché

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