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To all SSC Station occupants

Thank you for the donations over the past year (2024), it is much appreciated. I am still trying to figure out how to migrate the forums to another community software (probably phpbb) but in the meantime I have updated the forum software to the latest version. SSC has been around a while so their is some very long time members here still using the site, thanks for making SSC home and sorry I haven't been as vocal as I should be in the forums I will try to improve my posting frequency.

Thank you again to all of the members that do take the time to donate a little, it helps keep this station functioning on the outer reaches of space.



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99 Star General

Flagship bit of an odd one as it a RTS game played from a First person viewpoint and  seeing that they have released a new trailer for the game it might be worth a peek for these of you who like this type of game.





FAQ from the website.

What can I do do in the game?

For the initial release of the game we're looking at exploration, resource management, galactic strategy and tactical ship-to-ship combat. Keeping the scope relatively small will allow us to really concentrate on these aspects of the game design. Our hope is that the game will sell well enough on initial release to allow us to expand the game into other areas.


Can I play this without a VR headset?

Absolutely, the game can be played on a normal monitor.


The battles seem to be in 2D. Don't you know that space is 3D?

The battles are fully three dimensional. The default setting for the map table is a top-down 2D view, which has possibly confused some people. We've chosen this as the default interface for two reasons; firstly because 2D interfaces are very easy to use, and secondly because your ships will automatically line up vertically to attack their targets. That being said, we know that having full three dimensional control is important to many people, and the map table will have a 3D mode that facilitates this.


Will you be able to fly the smaller ships like fighters and bombers?

Probably, yes. But we're not looking to compete with Star Citizen and it certainly won't be the focus of the game. It's also going to be hard to win a battle from the cockpit of a fighter, so make sure you have the upper hand before leaving the bridge!


Will you be able to board enemy ships?

It's likely you'll be able to send teams to board and capture ships, but it's probably not something you'll be doing yourself. This is something we may add after the initial release, but only if we can make it work in the greater context of the game.


Will there be multiplayer?

For now, Flagship is a single player game. We are excited by the possibilities offered by multiplayer though, so we'll be taking a serious look at adding it after the initial release.


I want to give you money! Why aren't you doing early access?

The game is currently in very early pre-alpha and we couldn't in good conscience accept money for it in its current state. However, once the game is more feature complete we'll proabably allow people to buy the game as an alpha. It's also quite likely we will put the game on Steam Early Access towards the end of development.


What engine are you using?

We're using Unity 3D. It's easily the most flexible game creation tool we've ever used and takes away most of the heavy lifting involved with 3D graphics programming.


When will the game be finished?

It's too early to say at the moment, sorry! All we can say that we're aiming for sometime in 2015.



Topic starter Posted : May 26, 2014 06:21
Illustrious Member Admin



What a nice concept of throwing all that action from like a Nexus/Homeworld game into a first person style aspect. I really liked that trailer. I will have to remember this one.


I really liked the backdrops in these screenshots and videos on their site. I think I need to learn how to use Unity3D engine πŸ™‚

Posted : June 1, 2014 03:19
99 Star General

Flagship has a kickstarter with an eye watering £95K target and they have made the classic mistake of not putting the pledge amounts in Dollar and Euros, more details on Kickstarter.






Flagship is a real-time strategy game set on a galactic scale, played from a first person perspective.

About Flagship

Inspired by great RTS titles such as Homeworld, Sins of a Solar Empire and Total Annihilation, and incorporating the capital ship combat of sci-fi classics such as Star Trek, Babylon 5 and Battlestar Galactica, Flagship will allow you to command a fleet from the bridge of your own starship. Explore the stars, expand your territory and save humanity from being wiped out in a hostile galaxy.


Flagship is being built from the ground up to support the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset, though the game can be played without one.

The Setting

Humanity had only just begun its expansion beyond the solar system when it came face to face with a thriving and hostile galaxy. After a disastrous defeat, the Sol system was lost and the remains of the human race were forced into a backwater system. With limited resources and a skeleton fleet, it's up to you to rebuild what has been lost, or forge a new empire from the ashes.



Taking and holding systems is at the core of Flagship. Colonising planets allows you to mine the resources required to build bases and expand your fleet, in addition to getting the food and water youÒ€™ll need to support the remaining human population. Planets that are rich in resources will be attractive targets for the enemy and therefore much harder to defend. Systems with nebulae or space anomalies may make you harder to detect, offering a safer place to establish a colony.


Capital ship combat is a methodical affair, vessels maneuver slowly and have a variety of weapon ranges and firing arcs. The central map table will give you absolute control over ships within the same system, with an interface that RTS players will be accustomed to. You can also manage battles in other systems - albeit with less direct control - or warp in and save the day.



The Ships

Topic starter Posted : September 16, 2014 10:56
Illustrious Member Admin

Stuck this kickstarter on the mainpage, this game looks so good and I can't believe its not already hit its goal πŸ™‚ If the devs can pull this one off its going to be a great game.

Posted : September 20, 2014 05:49
Active Member

Selled a StarCitizen LTI ship to free "frozen" resources and now give other developer a fair chance: backed 15 GBP tier. 

SSC User: Please check to do a similiar step ... Lot of stuff on the table right now. This one is a great project. 

Thanks to the Admin and Mod's to bring all this fine stuff to the light. Keep up the good work!

Posted : September 22, 2014 03:48
99 Star General

They are doing nearly at the £30,000 mark.

Topic starter Posted : September 22, 2014 09:46
99 Star General

Flagship appears to have hit the midpoint doldrums on Kickstarter as they have not moved much past the £30K mark in the last week.


More updates are needed from them and speaking of them, here's the one.



Topic starter Posted : September 27, 2014 21:48
Illustrious Member Admin

Looking good and scale is great to see, and I agree with the updates they need to be flooding it out with only a few days left. I hope development continues on regardless of the outcome because this game has potential to be something special.

Posted : October 1, 2014 03:10
99 Star General

Scale looks good although I found the video to be a bit hard to see. (unless it my monitor setting)


Update from Kickstarter



Hello everyone,

We're a little later with this than we would have liked, but we're also adding some Kickstarter exclusive content for those who've backed for the beta tier and above. We can't actually change the tier descriptions, but anyone who has pledged £40 and above will get these exclusive items. Please note that Matt had to come up with these pretty quickly, so all artwork is rough (greyboxed, really) and do not represent the final assets.

Kickstarter-Exclusive Turret: Laser AA-6

This six-barreled variant of the battle proven laser-AA turret boasts 3 times the firepower of its smaller cousin. This power comes at an extra cost on your power core, but when you're blasting enemy fighters out of the sky it's hard to be too concerned about that.


Kickstarter-Exclusive Ship: Nova Class Battle-Carrier

A sleeker variant of the standard battle-carrier, the Nova class features a larger power core that allows for a higher top speed and two additional turrets. The Navy's top engineers have refined the design on an aesthetic level too - not that the proud captains of the fleet would admit to caring about such things. 


Kickstarter-Exclusive Ship: Pet Dwarf Shark

Indeed, while other ship captains are slumming it with their pet lion fish, you can conquer the galaxy smug in the knowledge that you have a SHARK. This proud addition to your ready room will live in a specialised tank with fully automated environmental controls that will feed your toothy friend and automatically dispense medicines should any ailments be detected. Warning: Do not put your hands in the tank.



What the hell is with fish tank and space sims as their seems to a number of games which have them in. :scratchhead:


They have finally made it past the £40K mark and still have 12 days to go although I can help but think the pricing of the tiers may be putting off American backers ie £20=$31 ect. 

Topic starter Posted : October 4, 2014 01:50
99 Star General

Very close to the half way point but only have 7 days left to hit the goal, still achievable but they will have to start pupping out the updates.

Topic starter Posted : October 8, 2014 09:13
Illustrious Member Admin

Yes updates are needed to get them a bit more funding. I sent the devs an email to see if they would like a forum area here, even if they don't make it the exposure should help build a following for the game and then they could try to resubmit kickstarter later if they need it. I like this concept of game a lot and would like to see it made.... I need to have some money so I can fund game projects πŸ™‚



Nice little video here:


Posted : October 9, 2014 17:41
99 Star General

They need to doing a lot more updates at least 1 every two days and for all British Kickstarters they need to put their pledge amounts in Pounds, Dollar and Euros.

Topic starter Posted : October 10, 2014 07:16
Illustrious Member Admin

Looks like they cancelled funding, hope this does deter the project at all from being completed.

Posted : October 11, 2014 07:03
99 Star General

Well theirs a surprise.


Hopefully they will go away and continue working on the game then come back in a year or so and have another go at a Kickstarter maybe with a demo and many more updates next time.

Topic starter Posted : October 11, 2014 22:03
99 Star General

Just a bit info on what they intend to do as posted on their Indibd page



Hello everyone,

Thanks for the all kind words and messages of support over the last few days, it really means a lot. Our last Kickstarter update raised some questions so we'll do our best to answer those here.

The Plan

Work on Flagship will continue in our spare time, as it has done for the last year and a half. We'll be concentrating on developing the core mechanics, polishing user interfaces and improving AI. Our aim is to have a more developed pre-alpha build sometime next year, at which point we may run a second crowdfunding campaign.

A lot of this work will be under the hood, so there won't be as much to show off and updates may come less frequently, but it means we are working only on what's important to deliver a build that better demonstrates what we have planned for the game.

Any progress updates we do make will be posted here on IndieDB and on our main website, feel free to sign up to our newsletter to make sure you get the most important news. We'll post important milestones on Kickstarter too. It's too early to elaborate much beyond that, but know that we are working towards making Flagship one way or another.

Regarding Funding

We appreciate that some of you want to help us make the game and support us outside of Kickstarter, but for now we will not be taking any money. We chose Kickstarter as our funding platform because it either guarantees we have the budget to complete the game or we take nothing at all. Anything in between would mean we've taken money with no guarantees, and we won't do that.

As always, thanks very much for your support. WeÒ€™ll talk again soon.

Topic starter Posted : October 24, 2014 05:25
Illustrious Member Admin

Oh, the vids showed a game that could have been far along. They don't have a pre-alpha yet, heh. Yes, I would definitely agree with having some real concrete alpha demo to show off is a must (demo even better). But Flagship is definitely a game that needs to be finished and I wish SSC made a ton of money because then I could help others attain their goals for some of these games. But that is good news that development will continue to press forward.

Posted : October 24, 2014 21:40
Estimable Member

They need to doing a lot more updates at least 1 every two days and for all British Kickstarters they need to put their pledge amounts in Pounds, Dollar and Euros.


I'm not even sure that's actually possible, I started setting ours up and could only see an option for native currency.

Posted : November 13, 2014 23:48
Estimable Member

Oh, the vids showed a game that could have been far along. They don't have a pre-alpha yet, heh. Yes, I would definitely agree with having some real concrete alpha demo to show off is a must (demo even better). But Flagship is definitely a game that needs to be finished and I wish SSC made a ton of money because then I could help others attain their goals for some of these games. But that is good news that development will continue to press forward.


Catch 22 here, put a pre-alpha demo out and people will judge it and review which will be damaging later on down the road. So i'm wouldn't release something playable until I'm sure it won't change much. If early access has taught us anything its that the average human doesn't understand what an alpha actually is and most consider it to be representative of a final product. 


Besides it's all speculation really, some games fly through with only a couple of screenshots to show, but I know one thing for sure - Kickstarter is coming to the end of it's usefulness for indie Sci-fi devs.


If I didn't know any better i'd say that Star Citizen and Elite have milked the proverbial cow dry, the sods.


Appreciate your sentiments about helping btw, though I think you do enough really buddy.

Posted : November 13, 2014 23:55
99 Star General

I'm not even sure that's actually possible, I started setting ours up and could only see an option for native currency.


I have seen it in the Pledges where the approximate amount is shown in Dollar/Euros.

Topic starter Posted : November 14, 2014 05:45
Estimable Member

I have seen it in the Pledges where the approximate amount is shown in Dollar/Euros.


Well if you find out how hit me up but I suspect most devs (if they are like me) get so pissed off with the Kickstarter application process that by the end of it they just want to get the thing posted and don't really care about those little optimisations.


I've tried twice now, it's actually easier to write the game.

Posted : November 14, 2014 06:16
Illustrious Member Admin

Catch 22 here, put a pre-alpha demo out and people will judge it and review which will be damaging later on down the road. So i'm wouldn't release something playable until I'm sure it won't change much. If early access has taught us anything its that the average human doesn't understand what an alpha actually is and most consider it to be representative of a final product. 


Besides it's all speculation really, some games fly through with only a couple of screenshots to show, but I know one thing for sure - Kickstarter is coming to the end of it's usefulness for indie Sci-fi devs.


If I didn't know any better i'd say that Star Citizen and Elite have milked the proverbial cow dry, the sods.


Appreciate your sentiments about helping btw, though I think you do enough really buddy.


Maybe I should go back and rephrase, but I am totally against releasing alpha software of any kind to gamers because exactly that happens usually, bad press kills future sales or whatever. I meant it from the standpoint of they should have an alpha build that is decent and go to kickstarter with the footage they capture and discuss the game and its features, I think it would do much better than maybe a mocked up video of what the game should/wants to be.


Personally kickstarters are nice I guess for some folks, but I think true loyalty to a game comes from discovering it and then liking the devs vision and being able to have open dialog with the devs to create a damn good game they both parties want to develop and play. Makes you feel invested in the games success and you will get the word of mouth going on, I am a believer that if it is a good game people will seek it out. I don't make games, but I have never advertised SSC not even once, I let the content and good folks here spread the good word. And its amazing how generosity goes a long way, hard to believe some of the stories some of the devs tell me about their trials in getting a game out.


Do I think SC and E:D probably ruin the market for smaller devs? Hmm very good question and observation. I definitely haven't seen a huge kickstarter that is related to scifi make a ton of money, so thats one point. If Frontier Developments or Roberts Space Industries don't deliver on the vision they are pushing it could actually hurt the space gaming community as a whole. I think people are seeing what both devs are promising to have in their games and most people are just saying.... shit that is everything I want in a game I don't need another. So all I have to say is they better deliver.


But in the end uniqueness and vision make good games that people want to play, even though I haven't played it yet because I am waiting for the initial release but Void Destroyer is a great indie project and like Flagship and your game Shallow Space it will attract people because what your putting in the game is unique and in the world of space unique is key in my mind. πŸ™‚

Posted : November 14, 2014 16:21
99 Star General

Well if you find out how hit me up but I suspect most devs (if they are like me) get so pissed off with the Kickstarter application process that by the end of it they just want to get the thing posted and don't really care about those little optimisations.


I've tried twice now, it's actually easier to write the game.


Don't know the process of how it 's done but if you have a look at the ongoing Empyrion one you can see they have done it in the pledge amounts

Topic starter Posted : November 14, 2014 21:29
Estimable Member

Don't know the process of how it 's done but if you have a look at the ongoing Empyrion one you can see they have done it in the pledge amounts


Oh I see, you mean just put the foreign currency pledge amounts in the text of the rewards thingys, but for me it's showing in pounds sterling - is it the same for you dude?


I backed it btw πŸ˜€

Posted : November 14, 2014 23:29
99 Star General

I the main pledge amount is in Sterling then at the bottom is the approx amount in Dollars/Euros.

Topic starter Posted : November 15, 2014 22:16
99 Star General

Just noticed that there was an update from the beginning of Feb for Flagship.



Hello everyone,

We know it's been a while since our last news update, and some recent press mentions mean that some of you are just discovering Flagship; many of you have had the same question.

The answer is that we are still working on Flagship. Never stopped, actually!

That said, it's going to be a slightly different game to the one we pitched on Kickstarter. We're trimming everything back and concentrating on the core RTS mechanics. This means some of the things we'd previously said would be in the game are now less likely to make the initial release. There's no definitive list yet, but things such as fully-explorable ships and flyable fighters - both of which increase development scope by quite a lot but are ancillary to the core game - are probably on the cutting room floor for now. We know this will disappoint some of you, but please bear in mind we are working in our spare time with no budget (these things may still make it into the game at some point).

These areas will be our main focus in the coming months:

  • Core RTS mechanics
  • Bridge simulation mechanics
  • AI
  • UI overhaul
  • Performance optimisations

With this in mind, we hope to have some kind of pre-alpha release ready by the last quarter of 2015. At that point the game will either be released as an Early Access title, or we will launch a second crowdfunding effort and give backers instant access to the game that way. Or, something else entirely depending on the how the land lies when we get there. No promises at this point, but that's the plan.


Looks like they have decided to drop some of the more innovative features in favor of getting the game made, but without them it may turn out to be just another RTS.

Topic starter Posted : February 28, 2015 23:53
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