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Offworld Trading Company

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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I thought this game was mentioned on here, but couldn't find it in the search. I have been eyeing Offworld Trading Company for a little while now and just noticed that EGS (Epic Game Store) is currently giving it away for free. Least this will give me a chance to try this one out, I liked the RTS aspect of the game, but I didn't know how I would like managing the whole economy as well. There is about 10 DLC packs and 2 expansions as well, anyone already own this one have any thoughts?


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I own it. I played the tutorial ages ago and thought it was an ingenious take on an RTS.  I, however, am too stupid to play it well.

Gaius Konstantine
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Never tried it, and even as a free game it doesn't flip my switch. I love ships first and foremost and space a close second. I'm also a bit of a warmonger in my games. So while the sci-fi setting is definitely a plus... It's reminds me of CIV games too much to give it a pass. (Yes I know, I'm a heathen, I don't care for the Civ series)

Supreme Dark Emperor Admin
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I have never played any of the Civilization games.... managing every aspect of a civilization is not fun for me... I play games for fun not work 🙂 So if Offworld Trading Company is like this it will be short lived on my PC 😉

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Offworld Trading Company is nothing like Civ.  It really is not like any other strategy game I have ever seen.

Gaius Konstantine
Warrant Officer Reporter
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Posted by: @blah64

Offworld Trading Company is nothing like Civ.  It really is not like any other strategy game I have ever seen

Can you give us a few words on it? what's combat like? Terrestrial or in space? What about the economy, how does it work? is it mine and sell?


Senior Chief Registered
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Posts: 58

There is no combat in the game.

There is a player driven market of resources/products/stocks partly based on supply & demand.

You buy/sell/gather/produce these things, but business is fueled by loans, and taking on as much debt as you can reasonably manage I guess (idk, I'm no economist)
