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Group: Registered
Joined: January 3, 2017
Senior Chief Registered
I have figured out that DLSS is the problem. DLSS+VR crashe...

In forum No Mans Sky

2 days ago
I re-installed to check it out. Apparently this update brok...

In forum No Mans Sky

1 week ago
Epic Games recently gave away the Spacer's Choice Edition fo...

In forum FPS, Strategy and Tactical Scifi Games

7 months ago
Brian Chambers has said that they have no plans to license t...

In forum General Coding and Mod discussion

8 months ago
Concept and atmosphere seem interesting. Looks way too ear...

In forum FPS, Strategy and Tactical Scifi Games

2 years ago
Game has released. It seems a bit shallow and devoid of co...

In forum Space/SciFi Combat and Simulation Game Discussion

2 years ago
It is a blockchain game. It is a scam.

In forum Space and SciFi MMO and Multi-Player Only Discussion

2 years ago
Xbox 360 controller was fine. Personally, I thought the fl...

In forum Space/SciFi Combat and Simulation Game Discussion

2 years ago
I've played the demo in the Steam Next Fest. Not much in i...

In forum Space/SciFi Combat and Simulation Game Discussion

2 years ago
Q3 patch tends to get delayed for CitizenCon, and that was e...

In forum Star Citizen

3 years ago
The demo was available during Steam Next Fest. Was pretty n...

In forum PC and Console Gaming

3 years ago
frames per second go brrr

In forum No Mans Sky

3 years ago
Latest reporting I've seen is that they did pay the ransom a...

In forum Political and World Discussions

3 years ago
Just about the worst news I could hear. The exact opposite...

In forum Mass Effect Series

3 years ago
Some big boomer energy in this one. Anyways: /p> /...

In forum Political and World Discussions

3 years ago
heh, the few negative reviews I could find were all generall...

In forum Space/SciFi Combat and Simulation Game Discussion

3 years ago
I'm pretty sure this is the movie that OJ from The Angry Joe...

In forum Sci-Fi Movies and Television

3 years ago
Heh, I had the exact opposite reaction. X4 is the only X ga...

In forum X Series

3 years ago
This is flat out, mathematically incorrect. Becoming a lot...

In forum Political and World Discussions

4 years ago
This is craziness to me. Comparing Civilian Daily Life to a...

In forum Political and World Discussions

4 years ago
I have bought and refunded the game. I love seeing the insi...

In forum Space and SciFi MMO and Multi-Player Only Discussion

4 years ago
Despite of how I think the games themselves will turn out, t...

In forum Space and SciFi MMO and Multi-Player Only Discussion

4 years ago
DLC sounds Dope

In forum Space/SciFi Combat and Simulation Game Discussion

4 years ago
I don't know. The main dev says he requires people to have ...

In forum Space and SciFi MMO and Multi-Player Only Discussion

4 years ago
Welp, from that video, I discovered the Hellion Rescue Proje...

In forum Space and SciFi MMO and Multi-Player Only Discussion

4 years ago
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